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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. How strong do you think this could theoretically get, 970s?
  2. Looks like a big move towards the other guidance. Big runs tonight
  3. The SNE crowd would be really happy with that GFS run but unfortunately for them it's likely moving towards the other guidance now. A tuck is much more likely if the phasing plays out as depicted.
  4. Probably somewhat concerning that the GFS is very different. The GFS was the first to show a late SWFE storm last week while others where much more suppressed. And technically the 12z models moved east towards the GFS
  5. Yeah on second glance it would prob be fine. But I'm sure nothing will go wrong in 5 days
  6. The Ukie & Euro were nice but 5 days is an eternity
  7. Go big or go home. Luckily spring is right around the corner literally. Unfortunately I see a crappy couple months ahead.
  8. Models are trying to build a high near the lakes but still a ways to go. This is a real tricky thread the needle with so many things going against it. The biggest problem is out west, shocking I know, but the lack of a ridge doesn't allow the northern stream in dive in faster and further south which would bring the cold air in. If we had a proper Rockies ridge the primary would end up further south and you'd have something closer to a miller A/C.
  9. Rgem didn't have much with the last minor event and most got an inch or two out of it. I expect something similar again
  10. The primary is in western PA so it floods the area with warmer air. It's not until the coastal takes over that we change to snow. The norlun feature is our best bet and it has support from Rgem & Nam. Normally norluns happen further N&E but the ESE track of coastal would favor our region. Probably another 1-2" type deal
  11. Has a norlun look to it by Saturday morning. That could lead to locally much higher amounts Nam shows this now
  12. I didn't even know that much of a pack could exist. Always figured it would compact down to much less.
  13. There might be a shot of arctic air with a storm nearby at the tail end of the March 13-20 period. That's probably our last chance at anything if the next 2 waves don't work out
  14. The 06z Euro has over an inch of QPF and the system mostly falls overnight. A slightly colder air mass and we would've had a solid 6-10 or better storm.
  15. Wave 1 would've been a really nice storm if the air mass was slightly colder Same air mass a month earlier probably would've worked too
  16. So much for blocking can't screw you over twice this season
  17. GFS was going for an Icon solution it just did it later. I bet the Euro will show something similar.
  18. A flop is much more likely than a historic storm especially this late in the season. A rats gonna rat. I'm really gonna appreciate even an average winter if it ever comes
  19. Nice trend in the GEFS for early next week
  20. GFS being suppressed right now is probably a good thing. In the past that was a big coastal signal. Big move towards the Euro too
  21. A few days ago ensembles had coastals as low as 940-950mb. Maybe we'll see a warmer 1888 redux
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