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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. That's a really clear dry slot. You don't see that very often around here with severe events.
  2. I don't think that matters as much today. Severe parameters are favorable to the coasts.
  3. So I'm guessing we'll be seeing another tornado or two per slight risk from SPC. We managed one in Feb so we can definitely get some tomorrow.
  4. Temperature differences are stark this morning. Got down to 26F in Somerset while it's almost 40 in the city.
  5. Persistence since start of winter.... incredible.
  6. What a winter out west. Even as we enter April there's still strong troughs digging deep into CA. Incredibly persistent pattern. 30F this morning. Maybe 2-3 more freezes left and that's it until Oct/Nov.
  7. With troughs still digging out west and recent history showing many 80s & even 90s in April, this is definitely not out of the question.
  8. 1972-1973 would still be an improvement over this season down here lol
  9. ENSO warming usually starts east and spreads west so just because we're seeing major east based warming doesn't mean it'll be an east based event. Any comparisons to 97/98 is extremely premature at this stage
  10. It wouldn't surprise me if next winter is the total opposite of this one. Going from one extreme to the next has been very common.
  11. He's already prepping to tell us how much next winter will suck.
  12. JBs March forecast is quickly going to crap as always. It's insane people still take him seriously. He's the Jim Cramer of meteorology
  13. You're not going to get a good winter when the west is seeing record setting snows in a Nina. The NAO is always a secondary factor by a lot. The Pacific is king.
  14. Yes it's the best pattern of the winter. Expect lots of snow down to NYC Now give me my weenie snowman19
  15. Nice little banding over central NJ. Grass is fully covered now and it's 32F
  16. Probably the most wintry day of the season with the blowing snow.
  17. Yeah there's huge bust potential up there. For us it's easier to stomach since we aren't going to see much of anything. Icon is really brutal even for SNE
  18. It doesn't make a difference here. Expect a few snow showers and that's it.
  19. How many more kicks to the balls do people need before they call it quits. Pack it up and embrace the warmer weather. Maybe we'll get some nice severe days and some tropical remnants over the summer.
  20. This is actually nothing like March 2001
  21. Me too....in December 2023.
  22. So happy this horrible winter is just about over.
  23. Today's the last day for any meaningful changes. Odds are it'll mostly be a rain event for the coastal plain and low elevations but it's a potent system so who knows.
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