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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. We're having the warmest April ever so it's fine. I also don't think it'll be that bad, we'll probably still have an above normal May.
  2. I think we're running behind some of the strongest Ninos. Although it's not out of the question I would go with moderate to moderate-high for now
  3. It'll be late March before you know it. Our warm records have really been accelerating. We might have also shot our warm load early. EPS has a substantial cool down for late April into May
  4. I'll pass on mid summer weather in April. The humidity makes it tolerable but it's still way too warm. 70s are perfectly fine right now
  5. Not necessarily. Models have a quick deep trough after the near record warmth this week.
  6. Next weekend looks really warm
  7. I love how the best match is 1972-1973 aka the least snowiest season on record prior to this one for NYC. The snow gods hate us lol.
  8. 90F a lock later this week. Ridiculously warm
  9. How is 90s in April a blessing? That's a bad sign though not always. Sometimes really warm weather early leads to cooler weather later in the summer however we haven't had a cool summer in a decade plus so I doubt that.
  10. Models might be jumping the gun a bit but at the same time it wouldn't take much to push temps towards 90F. It's probably easier to do now with the lack of vegetation than later in spring.
  11. It's just one day. Mid 80s by Thursday and then more 80s next week. Spring looks like an inferno this year as troughs keep dumping west and pump the SE ridge. I think we could even see 90+ readings this month and definitely in May unless there's a big pattern change.
  12. With the rapidly warming Atlantic waters that should theoretically enhance Tstorm activity
  13. 100s by June We're due for a Pac NW style heat dome. 110+ readings
  14. Man spring is going to get to a hot start. Already seeing June like temperatures by mid April.
  15. It does appear that we've seen an uptick in tornadoes as of late but not sure.
  16. Whatever happens next winter pretty much can't be any worse than this one unless we really get 0 snow instead of 2"
  17. Yeah the low dews should've been a dead giveaway up here but this is really impressive for C/S NJ. Definite tornadic activity
  18. Lightning has been really impressive
  19. South NJ severe capital of the Northeast
  20. The line in eastern PA is strengthening. I think we'll get some strong gusts with it, possibly severe.
  21. I think lapse rates will make up for the so-so instability. You're not going to get summer CAPE in early April
  22. I wonder if they're contemplating a tornado watch. Lapse rates are ridiculous right now
  23. I disagree. I think we're going to see major ignition over the next hour
  24. Getting concerned with the severe weather threat. This system has a bad history. I really hope we don't get some rogue strong tornado
  25. I think so. Plenty of time to destabilize. High shear, high lapse rates, high humidity.
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