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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. There's a lot of cutoffs in this pattern. It's gonna produce sooner or later
  2. It seems like backdooring could be an issue this summer for the NE. Pretty sizable area of BN SSTs off the northeast, SE Canada & Atlantic costs.
  3. I've never seen anything like this. Strong Nino developing yet Atlantic would suggest high activity What a battle
  4. Near solstice sun angle will do the trick. It doesn't have to be 95+ to feel hot in June
  5. It does appear the Nino will almost certainly have to be quite strong to couple with the atmosphere and counter the west Pacific warm pool. Very curious to see how the hurricane season plays out though with record warm MDR SSTs present.
  6. Lol it's June 10 Not even astronomical summer and temperatures are barely BN against warmer averages. Imagine if we saw 2009 again or an early 2000s summer how people would react
  7. Very dry weather and heat plus anomalous blocking pattern is exacerbated by CC. Of course conspiracy theorists are going rampant on Twitter that this was all a setup. The entire world could be on fire and they'll always claim that. Hopefully the sane people win out though.
  8. Driving home in what looks like the apocalypse Never thought I'd see this
  9. Red flag warnings up. Risk is higher than normal with very dry fuels present Dry Tstorms will add to the risk
  10. April was still record warm regardless, which if you believe only had 1 intense week makes it that much more impressive. And sure spring isn't warming as fast but it's still warming. Our "cool" May would've been AN if we used earlier averages. To each their own but I consider spring March-May, summer June- August and so forth.
  11. We just had the warmest April on record and March was pretty warm too. I swear everyone has the memory of a goldfish
  12. In a couple weeks it'll struggle to dip below 70 at night with high dews so I'll happily take this
  13. 46 this morning in New Brunswick More 40s tonight too
  14. I don't see reservoirs getting too low but aesthetically it's gonna look dry for sure especially if we keep dodging rain chances
  15. The dry weather helps greatly. Its also been allowing temps to get quite chilly at night. Not too often we get huge diurnal swings in June
  16. Outside of some very warm to hot days (still dry though) today and tomorrow it mainly looks at or below normal with 70s. We should still dip into the 40s at night quite easily.
  17. A complete 180 from last winter would not surprise me. In this era we flip from one extreme to the next. Also am noticing cool SST anomalies building off the SE Canada & Atlantic coasts while MDR cooks. That supports the cool backdoor pattern for June expected to develop in the northeast.
  18. Noticed there's some pretty cool SST anomalies off of SE Canada and Atlantic costs just north of Gulf stream. So the backdoor fronts have merit
  19. One bad weekend out of many is fine and rain is needed. The cutoff placement will be interesting though. GFS much further SW with it
  20. The agenda is pretty clear. He's all in on a super east-based Nino and is finding random Twitter threads to back that up. Notice how he doesn't actually counter the posts arguing against it. He even posted JBs pro Super Nino tweets on here when he despises JB & his forecasts. I'm not saying a strong to super east based Nino can't happen but the data Bluewave and other mets on here have posted do not point in that Super Nino direction. In fact right now it's more likely the Nino never fully couples than us getting a full blown Super Nino.
  21. Why are you pulling up random twitter threads and who are these people? I'll trust Bluewave's analysis 10x more than whatever these people have to say.
  22. That's the status quo nowadays. I imagine a strong ridge would get us to 100+ pretty easily given how dry its been
  23. I don't see the ridging push east. We'll probably have to wait until the WAR gets into gear to get into the real dewy heat. Some showers/t-storms due to the cool/hot gradient seem probable
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