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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. If it weren't for the Nino I'd think a super cane season was in store
  2. I'll take desert heat over the sauna any day. Just gross outside The only positive is that occasionally you'll get good storms
  3. Insane downpours
  4. I was dumb enough to read some of the responses. The stupidity is astounding on Twitter.
  5. This. If I had a dollar for every time someone said it would rain because of a lightning bolt on weather.com I'd be a billionaire. Synoptic rains in the summer don't happen. It's gonna be hit or miss most of the time and it's almost always focused on the late afternoon hours.
  6. Plenty of instability in place for something
  7. The rains have been disappointing for our area. NW NJ and parts of SNJ have done well. Not so much for many central regions
  8. Yeah that's a ton of fluff but it does look like the 4-8 period may actually be the hottest of the next 3 weeks. EPS is looking increasingly pessimistic after the 8th with hints of an eastern trough after the 10th.
  9. Euro is more pessimistic but it still doesn't look as bad as June
  10. Looks like a low grade heat wave elsewhere. Mostly 90-92 type stuff though very borderline for now. Not seeing a big heat surge for July yet
  11. This is why I find the comparisons to 97-98 pretty silly. Too many people are also ignoring the influence of the west Pacific warm pool
  12. Water temps are above normal in that region.
  13. Finally got a heavier shower. Maybe we'll see more storms develop over us
  14. Mostly meh for me. Dodging everything last few days Did drive near that tornado warned storm. Very dark in that direction
  15. Prepare to be disappointed
  16. Storms missing to the north, south, east and west. Very annoying for sure. Need more widespread clusters
  17. Early congrats to South NJ again
  18. Yeah it missed me by a few miles too.
  19. Will it spread further west or stay east
  20. Localized soakers a given. Someone could pick up several inches very quickly, others won't see a drop Monday's potential looks quite good though for many
  21. Yeah I'm not sure what people are complaining about. 2009 and some early 2000s summers were far worse than this. Looks pretty summery for July too. More 85-90 and high dew type stuff versus last years 95-100+ weather.
  22. EPS still looks pretty wet
  23. Dews near 70 now. Things should light up this afternoon especially if we get any sun
  24. There's 2 months of summer left though more like 3 with recent September heat.
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