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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. We'll see I suppose. Of course nowadays back broken means closer to normal rather than top 5-10 warm months.
  2. I think it'll still happen but it won't be as severe or prolonged as GFS indicated. Heat really loses its punch after August 20th.
  3. I noticed the big heat signal keeps getting pushed back. Maybe some stray 90 readings next 10 days but mostly 80s. We had more than double the 90s by this time last year.
  4. GFS LR really wants to roast us but other models say hold on. In fact the WAR ends up being weaker with time, usually it's the opposite. So the jury's still out on any prolonged heat.
  5. There's some northerly component to it. Think at least up to north central NJ gets rocked
  6. The morning stuff came through early enough to not interfere with what happens later. Still we'll have to see how much we destabilize
  7. But there's always a possibility of a massive snowstorm even if it's a torch winter. At least for now
  8. I have to disagree due to the potency of this system. Not very common this time of year
  9. It's not. It's definitely going to rain. That's a strong system for this time of year, just not sure who maxes out
  10. The seasonal is focusing on the western forcing despite a strong eastern tilted Nino. I'm betting we see a lot of conflicting signals though. It won't be a one size fits all option. I definitely think it looks more promising than last year though.
  11. Individuals can't change anything. The polluters are mostly corporations and big oil so no I won't stop what I'm doing. We use ice cores for far reaching data, 150 years is for more specific/localized information but the facts don't lie regardless.
  12. Oh it's definitely going to rain. Very unusually potent system for early August coming through.
  13. We've warmed and cooled before over the course of millions of years not 150. That's just something that deniers and skeptics either can't comprehend or don't want to for whatever reason. Altering the climate by 2C in 200 years is insane and will have disastrous impacts, which we're already seeing today. This should not be political it's just reality and it'll happen whether you believe it or not. And yeah it'll definitely cool off again once humans have been wiped out by their own idiocy
  14. I think we'll either roast or it'll get very dewey & possibly stormy after the 10th. WAR looks likely to build
  15. Snowman believes it'll be a super east based Nino aka a torch snowless winter (his favorite) but clearly others have pointed out that this Nino is unprecedented due to multiple conflicting factors. I'm still inclined to believe we actually need the Nino to be very strong in order to override the Pacific warm pool and western forcing otherwise it'll be a Nina style pattern again
  16. To think there are still quacks like Joe Bastardi downplaying this is beyond reason
  17. It's really chilling to think what will happen once warming breaches 2C globally given what we're already seeing. Many places will literally become uninhabitable. The fact that politicians are still acting like it isn't happening is insane.
  18. I think we avoid a lot of the big time heat but holy moly I've never seen such a heat dome as the one the GFS showed out west in the long range (widespread 600dms with 603+) Really hope that's just a fluke.
  19. Hot weather by mid August onward doesn't feel quite as bad vs June/July due to weaker sun.
  20. Yeah 50s were commonplace in July not that long ago even in the city but they're an increasingly rare occurrence now.
  21. We hit 57F in Somerset. More 50s likely next couple days. Maybe some mid-low 50s too.
  22. For those that say July wasn't so hot it was another top 10 warm month for many. But I guess if your criteria isn't top Top 2-3 then sure it wasn't that hot.
  23. It's meh until your house gets blown away
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