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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Just give me a 3' storm and the winter can torch as much as it wants
  2. Heat has no staying power here. Very brief warmer interludes Forky must be devastated
  3. July was a top 5 hottest month in New England Don't know what these people are smoking
  4. Really stark contrast of 90+ days this year vs last. And there may only be a few more to add given the coming pattern. Monday for sure
  5. Looks like a glancing heat blow at best. Models backing off as we get closer. Omega type block with big ridge in the Midwest/plains.
  6. GFS/Euro switched places for next week. Now the Euro has stronger heat. Dicey pattern as it wouldn't take much to go from no heat to strong heat wave and vice versa
  7. Yeah not sure what he was thinking. This had a wagons north look to it for a while.
  8. Looks pretty meh to me honestly, at least in my neck of the woods (New Brunswick) Yeah the best CAPE/shear is south but the activity is further north so they don't coincide
  9. That's what it looks like.
  10. It's going to be north of here. Current radar and HRRR reflect that Stuff in PA also has an ENE component favoring northern areas
  11. Yes but they did adjust north with the slight risk as well compared to yesterday
  12. Slight risk should be bumped north. Things look particularly active tomorrow evening/night
  13. That could easily stay further SW. Will have to wait and see what happens
  14. We already get record warm summers, what more do you want
  15. I admire the GFS attempts to boil us alive. There's definitely an opening for a few days of strong heat but 100s are probably not happening
  16. That was a wild storm. Woke up to a tornado warning too. Thunder was extremely loud
  17. Let me save you some time. According to snowman it'll be a strong to super east based Nino like 97/98 that'll cause a snowless, torch winter in the east. And to save you some more time. The following winter will be another horrible Nina with a snowless, torch winter. And so on and so on Dude is extremely predictable Basically never expect to see cold/snow again according to him
  18. Tropics will turn on a dime after August 20th as they always do.
  19. HRRR does have some activity tonight so maybe some storms will survive
  20. Completely disagree. The journey to winter along with everything that comes with it is the best part imo. Sept & Oct are my favorite months
  21. GFS wants to give us 100s while Euro keeps heat away
  22. There's definitely some real heat potential after mid August on the models. Will it get pushed back, we'll see but so far there's some holding
  23. This gives me hope given how wrong you were with last winter's blocking pattern
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