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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Personally love beach weather in September. No crowds, less traffic and sun not as intense.
  2. Despite this Ninos evolution the comparisons to other super Ninos is unwarranted. Bluewave has posted time and time again that the forcing is vastly different and we're still closer to a La Nina state than strong Nino.
  3. All he does is post random Twitter threads of nobodies to justify his obvious warm bias. It's no different than what JB does
  4. Sure but it's hard to knock persistence. Meanwhile it's in the 100s out in the plains with 120+ HIs...Jesus
  5. Are we done with 90s this year? Certainly seems possible for NYC at least. Would like to see a comparison of this year vs last
  6. Our summer based on that chart should have been much cooler than what we're seeing It just goes to show how much we've warmed over the past decade.
  7. Looking more likely this won't affect anyone after passing DR. Unfavorable steering patterns for US impacts
  8. Of course as soon as I post that the GFS torches us again. However meaningful heat in the medium-long term has been failing to materialize. We only got 1 day of heat out of this ridging
  9. Unless we see a major early September warm spell then our 90+ window is closing fast.
  10. Definitely something to monitor and it appears to be taking off too so models should adjust accordingly.
  11. Should be a depression soon given well defined LLC & convection
  12. I completely disagree. The worst is still to come
  13. Now that's something you don't see everyday
  14. One of these summers that ridge will park right over us with 105+ temps and 120+ HIs for days.
  15. Maybe a nice swell producer at least
  16. Time to move to death valley
  17. Very fortunate to not be living in the Midwest/plains today or over next few days. We only get a brief taste on Monday
  18. It looks particularly bad and historically so. Doesn't matter if Hillary fals apart.
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