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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. That's nice and all though I do miss the front loaded stuff of a 10/11. As great as March was last year we missed out on a lot because of how late in the winter it was. Hopefully we see a repeat of that pattern a month earlier.
  2. NYC will beat 95/96, SSTs + Weak/Moderate Nino + Near solar minimum + well AN precip this year + recent record breaking weather will fuel at least 2 massive storms. 60-75"+ for the metro December: AN Temps, AN Precip with 5-10" January: BN Temps, AN Precip with 20-25" February: Well BN Temps, Well AN Precip with 30-35" March: BN Temps, Near normal Precip with 5-10"
  3. I think a near Cat 5 at the FL panhandle will win the prize this year.
  4. 1st half of October will likely torch however there's a clear persistent -EPO that should translate more favorably as we get deeper into autumn. Nino effects will also start kicking in.
  5. Huge heat/ridge signal showing up for early October so you're not wrong.
  6. Flo should easily break Floyd's rainfall record and NC State records. Radar is showing more widespread and increasing rainfall rates spread further inland. I think the tone will be a lot more sobering a week from now (all rivers crest).
  7. The scope of the damage will reveal itself soon. Speaking of lackluster media coverage, one of the strongest landfalling typhoons on record is occurring right now and I haven't heard a peep about it.
  8. The NHC stated that some areas are already seeing 4' of surge and high tide isn't until 11PM for those areas. A long ways to go with this.
  9. They did the best they could, it just goes to show how difficult it is to get a major above 30N. Hugo, Fran and Hazel were rare animals indeed.
  10. It won't really matter, the effects will be the same. I don't know what kind of hurricane people were expecting at 32-35N, it's holding pretty well. The outflow to the north and northeast looks fantastic.
  11. Should be passing over gulf stream as well, could provide a boost in intensity.
  12. I'm curious to see the early effects of this system tomorrow. I recall Ike was already causing surge issues hundreds of miles offshore.
  13. I can't imagine a large major hurricane just dangling offshore for days. In NJ we just had moderate coastal flooding from stronger than normal onshore flow.
  14. Florence would be making LF in a very surge prone area.
  15. This is a historic disaster in the works, Florence will likely terrorize the Carolinas for days. Models are picking up on the strength of the ridge again, and if that's the case, then the first LF could end up further south.
  16. I think that's it for 90s, Flo's influence will mitigate the ridge effects and things turn cooler after she exits. Even if ridging returns afterwards, 90s become very unlikely after September 20.
  17. Makes sense with the heat dome in the middle/inter-mountain west section of the US. Mid-Atlantic may once again get the brunt of it.
  18. He'll score big at times but he's also incredibly biased. He will often offer the cold & snow option for the east coast even in years that don't warrant it because he knows that'll get people to buy into his stuff. He does the same during hurricane season.
  19. PD II is one unique way to get a big storm in this coming pattern. There's definitely support building from the 27-30th for a big overrunning storm. +NAO/-PNA but with a strongly -EPO/WPO. Could be interesting.
  20. The CFS is a complete joke and should be disbanded immediately, it bit the bullet on November and the model, not the weather will burn in flames next month.
  21. Nice storm signal next Saturday, strong east based block forces low to form further SE and rapidly intensify. The weather pattern has been so boring that even a coastal rainstorm would be nice.
  22. It's a very mild, Pacific dominated pattern as far as I can see. Blocking completely disappears. I see 60s to start December.
  23. I agree it's sad and terrifying how easily people fall for anything whether it be a fake news article or a weather forecast. There's so much misinformation out there and nobody cares to check the sources.
  24. That looks very Nina to me, classic N-S gradient.
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