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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. 2015 Prediction for Days of 90's NYC: 25 EWR : 36 LGA: 28 PHL: 40 JFK: 16
  2. Well the NYC forum has all but collapsed congrats on this historic storm while we head for the cliffs.
  3. A Proud Worst Poster Ever!!

  4. Come on blizzard!

  5. Very surprised at how hot it got. With more ridging possible after 9/18, perhaps another 90F is still possible though the intensity of the heat doesn't look quite as bad as today's. Plus the further you go, the less likely you hit 90F.
  6. Could this be it for 90s this year? The warmest weather is pretty much past us and we cool down further next week. I'll say the hottest spots will get another day, maybe two before the 90s are completely done, but I wouldn't be surprised if they are done already.
  7. How long are 90s kept track of, is it just until September 1st or until the last 90F we see because I have a feeling we will see at one or two 90 degree readings after September 1st.
  8. I'm thinking by mid June, the 90s will come back.
  9. Well we won't have to worry about seeing 90F for the next 7-10 days at least.
  10. Well I started following weather after Floyd hit and especially when the Millennium storm came. I was still pretty young though but I def remember, when I used to watch the weather channel lol, them showing 2-3' of snow. I remember the schools were closed the day of the storm and I remember waking up to about an inch or two of snow with the rest being slop. A big bust like that can really destroy a meteorologist's credibility especially after the big hype for days leading up to it. I think meteorologists became much more conservative after 2001, I mean they were really conservative with the Dec 26, 2010 storm when the majority of models were giving us well over a foot of snow and they showed maybe 6-10/12" less than a day before it hit. That storm was kind of a bust in the other direction though.
  11. Getting disrespected without any warnings, I did nothing wrong.

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