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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. It starts NYC off at 37F before the storm and ends at below zero. Yeah that's gonna be a no for me dawg. You're not gonna start higher than 31/32F especially if you're wet bulbing.
  2. JB can be an absolute tool sometimes, he still thinks we're entering a global cooling period.
  3. Nice to see models showing a more -NAO. I think the 25/26 will be the next big storm, that PNA looks really nice too.
  4. Good luck and if for some reason it doesn't work out, the pattern a week from now looks loaded with potential.
  5. Well the bigger issue is the storm track itself. A 1030s high would be fine for a Miller A/B. And of course it'll work out okay for CNE.
  6. For peak winter climo when you sometimes see 1050+ highs, 1037 is rather tame. It would also help if it were located further SW. No wonder models are trending NW. Add a little phasing to the system and ouch.
  7. That's a rather weak arctic high for the heart of winter. You'd want it to be 1040+ minimum. No wonder the cold breaks down so quickly.
  8. The most notable change is that the Pacific will look far more favorable than anything we've seen so far. Thus I buy the cold. Also keep an eye on the 25th, very pretty PNA setup with a low in the SE. It's easily the best setup I've seen all winter.
  9. If it rains heavily with temps in the 40s or 50s then that snow would easily be gone in an hour or two. This is assuming that much snow even falls, I think even an inch is looking unlikely. Models are doing that classic hanging back of the cold until things clear out. Temps would crash well after the precip ends and pretty much everything would dry up.
  10. Looks more and more likely the Gfs was right. Other models are showing similar thermal profiles. Could be a CNE exclusive.
  11. Gfs showing an all rain event for most of the area. Gets the city into the 50s now on Sunday.
  12. Things will probably dry up before the temperatures tank unless you're well north & west.
  13. Those little events are fine if you're looking to set a base, but they're mostly nuisance events though in bad winters I'll take anything. 06/07 was amazing because of those sleet storms, till this day I've never seen anything like it. 08/09 had a few of those nuisance type events.
  14. Over the last 25-30 years, there have only been a few complete ratters. The ones that come to mind are 11/12, 01/02, 07/08, and 97/98. Yeah no thanks. I'll take a huge snowstorm over these dusting events any day even if it were all to melt in 5-7 days. Nothing more exciting to a weenie than tracking a huge snowstorm, after all those are the storms that we remember.
  15. And yet the next two systems are mostly heavy rain events.
  16. Ouch that's a bad Euro outcome for this area. Hopefully it's a fluke run.
  17. Really pathetic that tonight's dusting will be the most snow I've had since November. February better deliver something because this winter is top 3 worst for me as of now.
  18. Maybe it will, the Nam was a red flag that is hard to ignore. Meso models are far better at surface temps than globals.
  19. Surface temps on the Gfs have actually cooled off substantially over the past 2-3 runs. Went from mid to upper 40s to mid 30s.
  20. The cold behind this is really impressive and will be a shock to everyone considering temps haven't been this cold since November. Thinking some wind chill advisories may even be hoisted in NW areas Sunday night. Widespread Sub-Zero wind chills to as low as -10, probably low teens on Monday for highs.
  21. I think even they'll have major issues if this keeps amping up. Could be mainly sleet for them.
  22. There's almost no cold ahead of this thing. If we had arctic cold in place then it'd be a different story.
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