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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. I think I'll just wait until I see a snow covered ground.
  2. Okay yeah it sucks but how about those weeklies. I hear the fabled -NAO may finally come out of hiding. Or you know we could just rinse, wash, and repeat. Fun times ahead!
  3. Even a glacier is no match for 50s dews. I honestly didn't think this cutter would be that warm & wet though.
  4. There's a shortwave ahead of it, would be nice if that could trend bigger so the following one would have to dig further south. Either that or we get some arctic squalls.
  5. By then or post 2/20 winter will be wrapping up anyway, so it won't matter. And I don't expect March to bail us out again either. Time is ticking now, we're just about at peak climo.
  6. We haven't necessarily needed it but that's because the Pacific blocking had been stellar. This year, so far, we haven't had either so it's been crappy.
  7. Starting off 2019 on a wet note. Heavy rain and 59F right now, amazing turnaround from Monday.
  8. I wonder if the intensity of next week's arctic cold verifies. That's a very 80s, early 90s level airmass currently shown.
  9. Models are trending colder with it too. Given its still several days away it could come in tamer but yeah this looks impressive. The Gfs even has snow squalls prior to the Arctic air arriving and temperatures during the day in the single digits. Incredible if that were true.
  10. I wouldn't be surprised to get some lightning strikes with this. Forecasts are underestimating the winds with this too. Places that get into the 50s will get very gusty winds.
  11. Pattern has pretty much locked in and is just recycling itself. So expect mostly wet & mild with the occasional arctic cold shot. Jan's temp departures could be identical to December's. It's basically a warmer version of a 1980s winter pattern.
  12. What I would give for last March's -NAO right now. The entire east coast would be swimming in snow.
  13. Very true, the pattern going forward doesn't look too bad. Think something could pop in a couple days.
  14. I forget exactly what his forecast was, I think he used the 94/95 and 06/07 analogs.
  15. I've entered the acceptance stage of this winter and whatever happens, happens. I just can't believe raindancewx's winter forecast is turning out to be true.
  16. Do not feel the same way. I'll happily take a 2011/2012 warm winter if it won't snow. The last cold shot was miserable and it had nothing to show for it.
  17. And I'm assuming that's going to screw everything up for us in February. This entire winter thus far has not followed the typical narrative and I don't think it ever will. It's been the most frustrating winter I've ever experienced. Right now I think there's a 30% chance that November's event won't be topped. I give a 10% chance that we don't see more than an inch of snow for the rest of the season.
  18. Watch the area get 30-40" in March again. Our new winter month.
  19. Agreed, could end up seeing a bunch of sneaky events. Probably best not to look beyond 120hrs on any model. I've seen some dramatic run to run changes this season even in the middange.
  20. Oh how we pray because the latest Gfs OP makes me wanna:
  21. EPS was really good all around, so there's hope yet. Things do look Pacific driven though, not sure if we're gonna get much Atlantic blocking. It worked out in 13/14 & 14/15 though.
  22. Great point and it's not 2012, at least there's potential for something great. It doesn't have to be 2015, in fact I don't think that's possible for this region anytime soon. When everything clicks it's the best. I know I'll never forget the boxing day storm for my area and how everything came together last minute. PS: New Euro looks a bit flat for next week's potential storm. Late phase maybe.
  23. I understand, I won't flame you. Your blogs have been excellent, it's a tough year for forecasters. I'll stick to banter for more concerns, less meltdowns. This hobby is not the healthiest. Fingers crossed Feb 2015 walks through that door.
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