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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. True it'll be nice and sunny there and rain where you are. Also you'd be in the 60s.
  2. EPS MJO plots would give us our 2-3 week window post 2/10 or 2/15 once you account for lag. It's possible this window could stretch till 3/15 though it's doubtful. Again this assumes the Euro is correct in its forecast.
  3. Classic Nina pattern on the ensembles 1st half of Feb. Huge SE ridge with western trough but some Atlantic blocking is preventing temps from skyrocketing. Nino is nowhere to be found, I bet no forecaster saw this coming.
  4. This is the coldest its been since 14/15, so at least there's that. The last three winters have been mild but snowy. Feb will probably be more of the same.
  5. Don't worry it won't and that's not a bad thing. Personally I'm done with snow after the 1st week of March as it just becomes annoying by then, it melts instantly, and all it does is hamper early Spring. The only exception would be a KU (12"+) type storm.
  6. You think so? GEFS/EPS look like garbage even in the extended. EPS has regressed from the more favorable look. I continue to see zero signs of a -NAO.
  7. Tied my lowest of the season at 4F, shot at 0 looking more likely.
  8. I'm down to 9F, really great drop pace. Forecast is 3F, my coldest so far this year has been 4F so it'll be interesting to see where it ends up.
  9. Temperatures are falling quickly. 16F now off of 34F, an 18 degree drop in 3 hours.
  10. Wow what a drive this was, complete whiteout conditions. Best squall I've ever seen. Temps plunged from 33F to 21F.
  11. I wish I had your optimism. I do have a feeling something will happen as the wave lengths start to change, so that we won't have to rely on an excellent Pacific. It also helps that a strong cold source remains to the north. Until then we torch.
  12. At least it'll make weenies appreciate each and every storm we have in the future...hopefully.
  13. If the next 2 winters are duds then you may be right. Our most recent back to back dud winters were 06/07 & 07/08 if you're purely talking snowfall amounts. 11/12 & 12/13 would've been close had we'd not seen a late winter comeback. I guess such a comeback is still possible even this year though I highly doubt it.
  14. One bad winter doesn't indicate a regression to the mean. We've recently had bad winters including 11/12 but there was no overall regression.
  15. Really impressive arctic frontal boundary being shown on the HRRR with a hefty squall line and a very sharp temperature drop right behind it. Hope it pans out.
  16. Complete disaster of a winter continues for NYC & Boston. And it'll be more of the same until this wretched winter ends.
  17. Whatever keeps hope alive I suppose. Perhaps the wavelength changes could help us later in Feb. That can sometimes counter a poor Pacific if the Atlantic is relatively favorable.
  18. Even if that's true it'll still only last maybe 10 minutes if not less. Not enough to drop more than a light dusting.
  19. It'll probably be like a SVR thunderstorm where a few areas get a slammed for 10-15 minutes and most miss out.
  20. And even if it does magically get to phase 8, they'll likely be a lag before the pattern turns favorable. This takes you into late Feb.
  21. It's been ridiculous with the salt since the November debacle. There was so much salt used during the last "potential" storm (turned out to be all rain) that it created salt dust clouds. I relish in the fact that the only snow event resulted in a state wide disaster, and that's the only thing people will remember.
  22. This assumes it gets to phase 8, many MJO forecasts have it meandering in phase 6/7. And this year anything outside 5 days has been impossible to forecast including the MJO.
  23. A horrible winter was bound to happen eventually. I'm rooting for 50s & 60s now. Get that subzero crap outta here.
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