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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Wind advisories will likely be hoisted given the trends, maybe HWW for eastern sections though looks borderline right now.
  2. Don't worry we will before the month ends, I'm willing to bet the house on that.
  3. I think they're underplaying the potential. Temps will be in the low 70s with near 60 dews and near record PWATs so do think we'll see strong momentum transfer.
  4. The EPS was not. I do think there will be WAR resistance though which would pretty much guarantee more stormy weather.
  5. Delayed but not denied though as the -EPO pattern finally delivers cooler conditions post Halloween. First real widespread freeze threat possible this weekend.
  6. The dry September was a mere blip, October coming in AN to well AN in many places with perhaps more to come Halloween.
  7. Euro keeping the ridging up there, 12z op going bonkers with it in the LR so it'll be cold somewhere.
  8. Yet ppl are posting the ridiculous GFS snowy runs like they're gospel. GFS is complete garbage and is getting stomped by the Euro.
  9. And don't see that changing this winter. Anyone predicting a rockin winter is gonna get burned. The good stuff will be out west yet again. We need a massive pattern reshuffle.
  10. JB also thinks the Earth has been in a global cooling phase for the past decade. And though I like DT he can quickly get ahead of himself.
  11. It really is, complete fail for late October. Cool down keeps getting pushed back, looks incredibly warm for last week of October into November now.
  12. It's got tropical origins, I think we'll get a good hit.
  13. GFS completely got rid of any cool down. Looks AN, mostly 60s.
  14. The cold is definitely out there vs. some other years where the entire country torches. Some of this cold will come east this winter.
  15. Some major changes out west, particularly the EPO should eventually give us cooler weather however it'll dump the cold west first so we'll have to wait until November for it to arrive.
  16. I think the Euro bias of hanging back the energy is on full display here. I'm favoring something in between GFS/Euro.
  17. If we lose the blocking then we're probably talking about a 11/12 type winter given the state of the MJO and Pacific pattern. Early/late season blocking was the only thing that stopped last season from being a complete disaster.
  18. Very mild pattern presented, so much for the late October cool down. Not that it matters for winter prospects given we're still well over a month away from wintry threats.
  19. I'd love to see that just one more time before AGW fully takes over. It's not impossible either, just ask the northern plains. However we'd have to get a major pattern reshuffle.
  20. But am I wrong though? Bc there's nothing to suggest the opposite right now. It might just be slightly AN instead of a full on torch. The -EPO will help with that.
  21. November to December looks mighty toasty, pretty much a continuation of the -PNA pattern with cold west, warm east.
  22. It's an AN pattern but probably not a death knell regarding snow chances. In fact a pattern like last season with more blocking would probably turn out ok. The -EPO should also give us some good arctic shots too.
  23. This has been the pattern for several winters now and it'll probably continue this season. Strong, transient blocking will be the only thing that can offset this. Hopefully things time right at least a few times this winter to give us some snow even if temps are AN overall.
  24. We should get some decent rain out of this, maybe a half inch or more. Pretty good given this was supposed to dodge us. And it's another clear indication that the dry, inactive pattern is over. Looks like plenty more to come later this week and then a potential gradient pattern that could make Halloween stormy.
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