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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. If this expansion is correct which it appears to be then could winter as we know it be over? If every year will favor MJO 4-6 then what would this mean, is it a forever change or temporary?
  2. 2011-2012 seems to be the trajectory given the CONUS wide torch and rather dry weather too. Pretty much every indicator out there screams warm/dry too. We'll def know by mid Feb. That's the last time we've had a huge dud so we're due.
  3. Somehow I doubt that. The raging AO/NAO are due to flip right around March. Should make for an ugly early spring.
  4. I'd frankly be shocked if we didn't see 60s Mon-Wed of next week. 850mb anomalies are well AN and our averages are about to go up.
  5. Just wait till that extreme winter warmth shows up in the summer. We're due for another record breaking July/August heat wave/s. Also expect 60s early Feb.
  6. We won't even get that. It'll mostly be a stale March like airmass.
  7. Well peak cold, climo, and lowest sun angle didn't help one bit so far. We're good till mid March and even late March some years. After that those factors mentioned overwhelm the pattern.
  8. Although I think March could be decent, he's already been proven wrong on multiple occasions this season. He's just a parody of himself at this point. God and his politics & conspiracy nonsense is on another Ievel.
  9. This month and probably Feb are extended Marches essentially.
  10. And most of the CONUS + Europe. Everyone gets a torch this year. But hey at least Alaska's finally cold.
  11. The status quo looks to continue as far as the eyes can see. If a major change is going to happen it'll be in late Feb (Isotherm has nailed it so far). It would not shock me if March ends up being colder/snowier than met winter (the bar is very low).
  12. At this point I just want full-on spring weather. I'm over this pathetic winter but do appreciate the lack of arctic cold.
  13. Flow is fast and there's no blocking so it's very unlikely this keeps shifting west. A miss to the east is more likely imo. Surface on GFS indicates possible paste job but bc it's flying & bombing too late New England is more likely to score.
  14. Do you though? Pretty much every system this season has cut inland.
  15. Late phase is on the table too and most probable imo. However because it's 4-5 days out it's still worth monitoring. Did notice the Euro trending towards phasing over the past 2 days, it would be the only way for us to snow given poor airmass. I wonder if 2006 is still an analog for this.
  16. By mid Feb we'll know enough whether to write off winter completely or not. If it's this same ole 10+ day out song & dance then the rest of winter is more likely to follow the early 2010s late winter patterns. Arctic air will have to start getting involved post Feb 15 otherwise even a perfect track won't matter. That +EPO needs to flip.
  17. I think we'll see a late phase where parts of eastern New England and especially eastern Canada will benefit. Although impressive the PNA spike will likely not be enough to counteract the lack of Atlantic blocking. The flow is way too fast and unless things change next 2-3 days I don't think we'll score.
  18. Hopefully the ridge out west trends stronger otherwise it'll never phase or it'll be too late. Plenty of time for things to change though.
  19. The storm has been on the charts for a while so it's definitely legit. But there's no room for error. The track has to be perfect and the storm has to bomb out because the antecedent airmass is garbage. I'd give it a 10% chance for us to score.
  20. Probably the only chance until late Feb. Models showing SE ridge response after Feb 5 likely due to phase 6 brief MJO passage.
  21. Agree though things should improve as we go through February. The late winter comeback has been the theme lately.
  22. I'm not even gonna think about this until 3-4 days out. The signal for a storm is there though. Many things have to go right however.
  23. Everything that could've gone wrong went wrong so far. We had a massive +EPO flip, zero Atlantic blocking, very cold and stable PV in the Arctic, essentially a -PDO/PNA. That's why the entire country + Europe is well above normal and Alaska's cold finally. It's very reminiscent of 11/12 & 01/02 though with the Nino influence & split flow pattern it'll be more active. Time will time if anything will truly change soon.
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