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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. For all the talk of cool weather it's basically been average. Of course when every month is in the top 5-10 even average feels cold.
  2. It looks more and more likely that we'll go straight into summer especially if the cooler pattern drags into May.
  3. Lately with the blocking showing up in Spring it's led to some crappy periods. But it's not always like this, SNE gets shafted way more than we do usually. The coming period has a mix of good and bad days. Prolonged warmth above 70F will hold off for now though. Too bad given warm weather & humidity would help kill off the virus as well as get us outdoors which would help even more.
  4. Today and Saturday look chilly. Sunday will be nice but then it gets cooler again. No 70+ days though and models are hinting at a short duration strong cold shot early next week that's been trending stronger/further south and could result in record low temperatures.
  5. Got down to 29, very chilly morning.
  6. Down to freezing now. Seeing widespread upper 20s for NJ and with the growing season 2-3 weeks ahead of schedule it's a pretty impactful freeze.
  7. I don't think a few months of reduced pollution will have any meaningful impact on our global temperatures given the reductions are temporary plus it being a lagging indicator...March 2020 was the 2nd warmest on record. Maybe it could have some impact in 2021/2022 but should be negligible as pollution levels will ramp up much closer to normal by then anyway.
  8. We actually may not get to 70F this month. I guess some places did already but whoever didn't won't get that chance.
  9. We'll probably jump right into summer when the pattern flips.
  10. Mt Holly mentioned possible gravity wave behind rains.
  11. Where's your evidence to back this up?
  12. I don't see much of an inversion tomorrow. We get well into the 60s with dews of 60+ It's mid April not Feb/March.
  13. They didn't back off. Coastal areas in warning now 60-70mph gusts and 50-60mph inland with stronger winds possible in storms.
  14. Growing season much further along now, could see more downed branches/trees if those 60-70+ gusts verify.
  15. The 6-10 & 8-14 day forecasts don't look too pretty either. So much for a big recovery. RIP to climate change deniers.
  16. Wow widespread 55+ gusts even away from coast. Hurricane force gusts at coasts and most of LI. Latest GFS has 50-55mph sustained winds on LI and near the city. Really hope that's a joke. Above the surface it's like 90-100kts and some of that could mix down with convective elements in play.
  17. I can see why the HWW was posted. GFS looked pretty impressive too.
  18. Some lightning and thunder. Heavy rains with gusty winds as it passed.
  19. Solid breaks in cloud cover, temps near 65FF with nice line moving east from PA. We should definitely see some good gusts out of this (55-60mph) and maybe small hail too.
  20. 1070mb high with block. Crazy stuff.
  21. Yeah now models are bringing back the blocking after prematurely showing it quickly going away. This should keep April on the cooler side relative to normal especially vs Jan-Feb anomalies.
  22. We've seen 90s in April before so agree.
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