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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. The upcoming pattern isn't that bad at all. It's a lot better than I expected given all the doom and gloom forecasts.
  2. Oh god you know all the Twitter weenies are going to post the CMC.
  3. The pattern is like a poor man's version of 2010. There's decent Atlantic blocking but not strong enough to overcome the poor Nina Pacific.
  4. Bluewave always with the accurate response to rain on the weenie parade. Pacific puke looks to dominate rest of the month. We'd have to be lucky to score with such a putrid airmass over us. Odds would improve in January.
  5. The Dec 13-20 could give us something. Like a SWFE with a late coastal transfer, SNE is in a better position than us of course.
  6. The Pacific is much more important for cold & snow than the Atlantic, that's always been the case. I'd rather have a -EPO/+PNA with a +AO/NAO. However having a -AO/NAO at least gives an accidental chance of getting snow even if the Pacific is garbage.
  7. We'll probably have record high cover in March or April lol
  8. You can add the rogue SNE hurricane to that list too.
  9. I think if late Dec through late Jan can't give us anything then we'll probably challenge the record low snowfall years. However a crazy squall (possible given the high winter lapse rates we've seen lately) could easily drop a quick inch.
  10. Except it wasn't that close. Temps were in the low 40s all night. It's not like it was mid 30s and rain.
  11. I wouldn't get too caught up on things. Models have been shifting like crazy lately. It's also highly unlikely to be locked in. I do like that ensembles continue to show a +PNA and some blocking in the NAO/AO regions. That could be good come January with much more favorable climo.
  12. Because we only average 20-25" and are near sea level plus the background warming state. Blocking has also been mostly absent which is critical for anyone south of 41N. There's been years where we've gotten basically nothing like the early & late 90s and 80s. Years like 2010-11 and multiple snowy years from 2000-2018 are anomalies.
  13. Seeing how difficult it is to get a snowstorm here makes you appreciate all the snowstorms in the 2000s & 2010s Just think about what it takes to get it right. Perfect track, cold air supply, PNA, blocking, 50/50 low, etc. and you could have all those things and have the storm miss you by 50 miles. The difficulty will only increase with AGW making our climate more and more like Virginia.
  14. There's still time for changes to be made. I quite like the Dec 8th setup actually. It would be nice if this pattern could repeat in late Dec and Jan.
  15. Very unlikely to stick around if it occurs. The gish gallop weather pattern makes it difficult for anything to lock in place.
  16. Could the 8th offer a sneaky coastal? Models are showing more potential there and we have a tendency to see OTS systems trend west. There's also enough cold air around too.
  17. If the gfs is correct we could see heavy wet snow at like 35-36F that doesn't accumulate. Higher elevations could see grassy surfaces turn white.
  18. The only thing consistent is that warmth will always win out. 2000-2018 will be the best snow period we'll ever experience and it's all downhill from there.
  19. The strong PNA ridge could ultimately help turn the hugger into a coastal but there's little cold air to work with in general. Pattern change is a work in progress but there will be opportunities moving forward.
  20. Unless it's a strong cool down it'll always break warm in the long range. We cannot escape the reality of AGW.
  21. 2015 definitely felt like a turning point. Ever since then cold air has been hard to come by and winters have mostly been very warm with a few notable exceptions due to extreme blocking. And with warming continuing to accelerate I feel we're going to see a major drop in the annual snowfall averages this decade.
  22. Very little run to run continuity. Ensembles are your best friend.
  23. Our inevitable descent into climate catastrophe continues.
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