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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. I'm hopeful about this one. There's a small possibility this gives us more snow if Wednesday's storm turns to garbage.
  2. Well we have 3 days for it to trend a certain way. It won't be a bust if models show mostly rain by tonight's or tomorrow's runs. If it suddenly went bad 24 hours out or during the storm then I see that as a bust. And if things trend poorly then it is what it is, you can't get upset about the weather. The PNA is not good and the Atlantic blocking may not be enough to save us but we'll see I guess. Someone's gonna get a good storm, it just may not be the immediate NYC metro.
  3. Yes it would be a bust but some did accurately note the PNA would hurt us and all it took was weaker confluence for us to see mostly rain.
  4. The fears are being realized. We're only a couple ticks away from a rain event and there's still 3 days left. Lack of PNA really hurting us.
  5. It's possible the inland solutions correct east as the storm starts forming and begins heading our way.
  6. I don't like where things are going. That shortwave is no joke and models appear to be backing off the confluence.
  7. Hopefully that's the case. I think it'll be very difficult to warm the surface unless the storm is on top of us.
  8. Definitely expect some snow in the nearby suburbs though.
  9. Definitely. I don't care about playing the jackpot games though. My area had basically nothing last winter so even 6"+ would be a huge win especially in a season where every major forecaster called for a snowless, torch winter.
  10. I'd be weary of the overly amped runs too given the strength and placement of the high. Hopefully we all cash in though. I do think the GFS was way too suppressed.
  11. Just keep in mind the Euro tends to overamplify systems while the Gfs can be more suppressed. I'll take a mix of the two for now and see what happens next couple days. NYC metro looks good even if it takes a more amped track.
  12. We thought the same would happen with some of those 09/10 storms but you can't deny the confluence. Granted the poor PNA would argue for a slight northerly component.
  13. That's why strong -NAO/AO blocking is actually more favorable for us and the mid-atlantic than them. Sometimes it's even better for those south of the NYC metro.
  14. Incredibly consistent with the track/outcome from all major models. It's unlikely this changes that much.
  15. Best case scenario is 3-5" and models will struggle with due to the progressive pattern. They might not get it right until the storm is actually occurring.
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