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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. HRRR is pretty useless beyond 6-12hrs That being said it already shows many parts of NJ at a foot by early afternoon. There will likely be a band that drops 2-4" in an hour.
  2. Definitely colder & snowier than I expected thus far. Hopefully the rest of the storm overperforms.
  3. I'm not convinced the heaviest totals will be north & west of NYC. Very cold/dry over there and temps have been very cold down to C/NJ. Euro/GFS are further south with jackpot zone. So I have an inkling jackpot will be near or just south of I-78. I'm also basing this off the current overrunning snows which are targeting C/NJ.
  4. Yes they do but sometimes it's warranted. This was clearly not progged to be an ordinary storm. Several mets picked up on this over a week ago. That being said I won't count my chickens yet.
  5. Everything is covered even the side streets. Close to an inch already on the grass. Very light snow atm.
  6. The MJO isn't the end all be all. It's currently in phase 6 and we're getting a blizzard.
  7. Quite a bit colder too. Not surprised as temps will likely come below forecast. The cold air will be tough to shake and low will probably end up slightly east of models.
  8. Rgem has a tendency to overamplify things. I think given the depth of the cold and precip the coastal front will be further east. Will be keeping an eye on the dry slot though.
  9. After the 12z suite I think I'm good with model watching outside of the very short term HRRR. 12"+ looks like a lock even under a worst case scenario. Forecast looks good with 13-18". Will be the biggest storm since 2016 for me.
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