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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Regardless if next week's Euro storm happens or not the coldest airmass of the season is likely to follow. Single digits possible. Today's widespread snows will help too.
  2. Now it's a sleet storm. That 700mb low placement is hurting us. Regardless I have well over a foot and now they'll be a crusty later of ice on top solidifying the pack.
  3. I'm in Somerset and it's nuts out there. Some sleet mixes in from time to time but mostly very heavy snow.
  4. Snows picking up around Somerset. Maybe a bit of sleet mixed in but that should go away as snow gets heavier.
  5. Personally I'd be pretty satisfied with the current 6" I have. Getting two 6"+ storms in what was supposed to be a dud winter is a win. No need to panic yet. Miller Bs can have a lull period before they really get going.
  6. I'd rather let things play out first before sounding the alarm. Precip is very light hence the sleet. We're still waiting for the coastal to fully take control.
  7. Hopefully that's the case. The latest HRRR only gives us another 6-8" which isn't bad of course but would be a significant bust.
  8. If there's an explosion of precip like the Rgem/Nam or Euro show then yes that'll collapse down.
  9. We'll know in 2-3hrs. If the Nam/Euro are correct then there should be an explosion of precip that encompasses most of NJ & NYC. If that doesn't happen then the HRRR/3K Nam will be correct.
  10. 4" now just a couple inches shy of my December storm totals. Winds picking up a bit. I wasn't expecting so much this early. Dry slot near Philly appears to be filling in. Looks like coastal is about to take over.
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