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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. We want this to hold and slowly trend NW when it's under 48hrs. No issue with confluence here.
  2. We'll see. Models have been trying to torch us all winter, which I guess is true if you look at anomalies, but snow will not be denied.
  3. We're less than 3 days away with this so I imagine models converge pretty quickly by tonight or tomorrow.
  4. Hopefully it pulls back a bit. This is pretty much as west as I'd want it.
  5. This is definitely a miller A. Origins are from the gulf. Could be loaded with moisture despite being a fast mover.
  6. I say 6-10 or even 8-12. It only takes a few hours of intense snows to get those amounts.
  7. Yes they really brought it back. Let's see if the 12z runs hold or if this was just a fluke. It'll be a fast mover but could easily drop 6-10" if everything works out.
  8. Could be one of those systems that shows up initially then goes away only to come back again. We saw that a lot in 13/14 & 14/15
  9. Yes that was interesting but these 06z runs can be flukes a lot of the time.
  10. It's gonna trend south. Big AO/NAO drop, strong west based block.
  11. I think this storm is legit vs the flat phaser but it won't be a cutter. Strong 50/50 on Euro and very strong west based block in place. It'll be a SWFE or another Miller B.
  12. Not when it's as strong as depicted. The storm will likely turn into a SWFE or Miller B. We just saw how what was supposed to be a huge ridge post Mondays storm got turned into a frontal passage and that's without a big Greenland block.
  13. Ain't happening. Big dip in the AO/NAO coming up. Models will flip back.
  14. You're going to see a ton of models changes. Went from a SE ridge to trough and back to SE ridge.
  15. Really? Despite an excellent blocking pattern and plenty of cold air this February you think it'll be under 40". I think we'll cross 50" pretty easily. I don't see the blocking going away anytime soon. Our reliance on the pacific, which hasn't been great will also decrease.
  16. What do you think the odds are for another KU event? I'm guessing pretty good though the PNA isn't great.
  17. That could happen but with cold air ahead of it, a gorgeous west-based Greenland block and blocking extending from Alaska through the Arctic we are def in the game. Our more coastal pattern this year is also a good sign.
  18. I'm a little worried that it's gonna end up being a hugger but the Greenland block placement is excellent and there's a lot of cold air ahead of it.
  19. All that sleet following the 18" has turned the pack into a glacier. Really tough to shovel. With the coming cold and more snow likely this pack will last for a while.
  20. I'm kinda iffy on this one. I think we'll see snow but probably not so soon.
  21. I see a potential gulf coast aka Miller A storm. Ensembles strongly hinting at it.
  22. Chances look really good for more snow 1st half of Feb and likely beyond. Pretty ideal west-based NAO block on ensembles with blocking in the Arctic and up to Alaska.
  23. Well today was a wild ride. I have about 18" and it's still snowing lightly. If it didn't sleet we would have easily exceeded 2 feet. I see the HRRR/Nam and other models giving us a general 2-4 tonight through tomorrow so that could put us over 20" when all is said and done. Congrats to those who broke the 2' barrier. This was easily the best storm since Jan 2016.
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