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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Would be nice if Rgem was correct. We get the best of both Tue & Thursday systems. If everything works out we could get 6-8" but we could also get 0-2".
  2. Yes it'll take a while to get everything in order. Your analysis is solid for the next several events. The Tuesday event will probably be too far north for NYC but it could always trend a bit south. Best chance will be Friday and then we'll see what late weekend brings. Large rise in the AO & flip to +PNA could indicate something bigger than a nuisance event.
  3. Yeah they always do this. One month of cold/snow doesn't negate the dozens of very warm months before it. Dec/Jan were still several degrees above normal. However we are also getting a highly anomalous pattern that likely has something to do with climate change. lengthy blocking, a cold/snowy Feb La Nina.
  4. The only thing we'll have to watch is suppression especially given a -5 AO
  5. Clown range but HRRR drops 4-5" overnight Monday into Tuesday morning for the metro. So let's see we have Tuesday, Thursday/Friday, Sunday, and likely something beyond that. Biggest potential in terms of snowfall amounts is next weekend with PNA rising and NAO/AO going up. -5 AO too before it rises, which is very significant.
  6. Getting reports between 5-7" in Hunterdon/Somerset counties where I'm located. I'm around 6" with light snow so it checks out.
  7. This is one of the few times where having a SE ridge may work in our favor.
  8. Strong band still out west in E. PA/W NJ. We'll do very well with this system. Several spots will get 6"+
  9. Nam 3K has picked up amounts. Could be close to 6" for parts of the NYC metro extending into NJ.
  10. Plenty of lift. Doesn't look to shabby. Snow growth should be really good with perhaps better than 10:1 ratios.
  11. That has little to no effect due to wet bulbing. We saw 55+ temps a day before a snowstorm before. Looks like city is 40/18 right now.
  12. I think those heavier amounts will end up 20-30 further NW like we saw with past storm.
  13. HRRR was garbage on Monday. The only thing it got right was the sleet elements.
  14. I'm sticking with 4-8" but higher than normal bust potential. Thinking rapidly intensifying low taking track up to 40/70 should yield better results than a couple inches. But we'll see, hoping for a positive bust for once.
  15. Based on where the low will be the heaviest stuff should be over central/east NJ into NYC/LI. Remember the strongest banding tends to be further NW than modeled.
  16. Always go above forecast on wsw flow during sunny days.
  17. NWS going somewhat against guidance and probably for good reason. Snow growth should be very good for a few hours. 4-8" still looking good
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