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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. 6" with this system will be much more impactful than the previous one that hit Sunday. Very cold temps likely with this one which will accumulate on roadways and the worst will be during commute times.
  2. The WAA snows should easily get into central NJ and probably NYC Thursday morning & afternoon. Snow growth should be very good with temps probably in the low to mid 20s. Ratios could be higher than 10:1 and that alone could drop 4-6" over 3-6hrs. Increasingly models are indicating a coastal element which bears watching. So my initial thoughts are 3-6" from WAA snows up to NYC then a dry slot or sleet followed by another round of snow on Friday. How much falls with that is unknown and models are still trending.
  3. Seems like most events ticked north in the end so wouldn't be surprised to see that again. However the last mini snow event did stay south and never really ticked north. I feel good about this one here bc even north ticks would likely result in a 6" front-end thump.
  4. I like 6-10" right now though that's highly dependent on when the sleet arrives. The lower end looks likely.
  5. That's a nice cold Nam run. It's still a tad out of range though.
  6. The UKMET has not performed well lately.
  7. Cmc would be nice though even the Nam/Gfs have a strong front-end thump before any changeover. I think a 6" event is looking pretty good right now.
  8. Main point is that Nam which is the most amped up model continues to trend colder. It almost looks like warmer, more inland version of PD II with overrunning then coastal. If the 12z suite holds or trends colder then we'll see watch this afternoon.
  9. What did you expect our seasonal averages are less than 30" and we've already exceeded that. By this time the focus is already shifting north.
  10. Most of the rains fell when it was in the mid 30s so a lot of it was absorbed by the pack. However we will see a lot more melting with temps likely climbing through the 40s.
  11. Today we'll see if models trend NW again, an all too common occurrence this winter. However the front-end thump seems likely no matter what happens.
  12. It was last to join the party with the Feb 1st storm so yeah it sucks.
  13. Things don't appear to be done trending either. Could it end up being a big miller A storm for the entire northeast? I still think that's unlikely but possible. Still worried about the SE ridge amping things up as we get closer though in this case Thursday's storm wouldn't be happening without it.
  14. It's very close to something more than a minor to moderate event. Let's hope the trends continue tomorrow.
  15. Yeah actually it is. Temperatures stay below freezing the entire time and it may not be finished trending. Maybe our post -5 AO drop will work out after all.
  16. Seems likely that we'll see at least an advisory event with borderline warning snows for some.
  17. The teleconnections say the opposite. It'll likely be AN though not a torch.
  18. You'd think it would be further west if it's slower. So probably a good sign the colder trends will continue.
  19. It's morphing into a miller B. That's been the trend over the past couple days so we'll see if that continues.
  20. This is such a stupid take that's it's not even worth defending. The effects of climate change will easily cost far more than the trillions we'd be putting in. We're already spending 100s of billions annually for disasters related to climate change. But sure let's do nothing and continue to trash the planet and see what happens.
  21. A warm outcome is definitely likely but weird things happen during seasonal transition periods. So a random March snowstorm wouldn't surprise me even if it's mixed in with warm weather all around.
  22. Just hoping for one more 5-6" event to put us over 40" and wrap this winter up. Things are looking more spring-like post 2/20-21.
  23. Some models going for that Miller B route. And they still appear to be trending that way so we'll see what happens. I know some will want to compare Tuesday's bust with Thursday but they are very different storms. The presence of an arctic high is key.
  24. The Nam is useless after 48hrs meaning very low model skill. It's also almost always too amplified.
  25. It's got good potential. Models keep trending less amped or basically the opposite of tomorrow. Could be a last hurrah too as pattern moving forward doesn't look very favorable.
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