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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Yeah I'll be surprised if we get nothing even with unfavorable tellies. Seems like the cold is still lurking up north too. Old GFS still persistent on that crazy early March arctic shot. How funny if our coldest temperatures of the winter came in March.
  2. Lol sure. Where you live you may not get that till June easily.
  3. Could be a fluke run though Euro has MJO running through 8-1 in March.
  4. Time to start saying goodbye to the pack. Big melts rest of this week. I suspect we'll be reduced to piles by March 1st though your area should hold a bit holder.
  5. That was a nice final event. Looks like a few inches with a nice snow globe look outside. I'm definitely ready for spring now as this event officially puts me over 40".
  6. Strong convective elements to this line. We could be talking 2"+ per hour rates for a couple hours.
  7. HRRR/Nam continue to suggest a thump of wet snow to the city. 2-3" west of city wouldn't surprise me.
  8. Yeah it'll be up there though Feb 2003, 2010, and 2015 may slightly take the cake. The extreme cold of 2015 was more impressive and 03 had the bigger storm. 2010 had higher monthly totals and was a couple degrees colder on average.
  9. A cold airmass is more vital than the sun angle and it's still only February. The biggest problem for tomorrow is the wind direction rather than daylight. However in marginal situations the daylight does matter.
  10. I'm looking forward to the mild weather and am ready for things to melt. Based on tellies March should end up very warm but with all these crazy factors and seasonal changes in play you just never know. For all we know the month will torch with a random blizzard squeezed in somewhere.
  11. It's all about timing here. Had this arrived overnight it could've put down advisory snows as far east as the city.
  12. Euro looked nice just west of the city for Monday. Gets me 2-3" if correct. Several models concur and I think they'll trend a bit colder once they recognize it'll be a quick thump of snow.
  13. The high is in a nice spot. It all depends on the timing and amplification of the shortwave.
  14. That's true but the antecedent airmass is good. The only downside is timing. Had this came overnight I think even the city would've gotten snows. Also paying close attention to the 26th. A cold front comes through Wednesday giving us a cold airmass ahead of the next shortwave. With the AO/NAO positive it's very unlikely the shortwave gets as far suppressed like models show right now. Beyond that it looks warm to start March, maybe even very warm with a large ridge building in the east though it could be transient and doesn't automatically mean it can't snow later on.
  15. Btw early Monday supports a quick thump of wet snow especially west of the city. Euro had a few inches. Given cold airmass ahead of the system and faster than modeled timing usually seen with these systems it could extend into NYC.
  16. Current tellies support a warm March so the chance of snows will be lower than usual. However the pattern should remain highly volatile so nothing is guaranteed.
  17. Light snows continuing to fall. Will probably get an inch out of this.
  18. I'm pretty confident we get above 51 in the last few days of February. Could even end up on Feb 28. 60F as of now appears unlikely especially with lingering snow cover.
  19. Well that's a bust the heaviest burst right now is right in that gray hole in NJ.
  20. Lol no I'm aware this is the SNE forum. Just saying near 50 is above normal but not a torch in late Feb even into SNE. The term torch is used far too loosely. If upper 40s are a torch then what happens when it gets into the 60s during a cutter...mega torch.
  21. Nice burst looks like sidewalks are mostly covered again.
  22. 50 is our norm in mid March. What is yours, mid 40s?
  23. Maybe but these back-ends haven't been working out very well.
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