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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. The only thing that could ruin a warm, sunny spring day is an easterly fetch off those cold Atlantic waters. We've seen a lot of that lately and we'll have too see if the -NAO is transient it longer lasting.
  2. All it takes is some modest ridging to get record temperatures.
  3. Being the climate fully goes to crap I hope we can get one more 95/96 style winter. Not sure it's possible anymore though.
  4. It's been in the 20s for several mornings, feels like the desert with these huge temperature swings. The cold mornings and dry weather are probably why things aren't leafing out much yet despite 60s & sun during the day.
  5. Some early signs of a hot summer with the dry weather and overperforming temperatures. We also don't have the typical spring -NAO/AO that we've been seeing lately.
  6. Normally I'd say temps would soar next few days to 70+ but the slight easterly flow will probably cap temps around 60-62F.
  7. This model needs to die already. There's zero support for a mid-winter like cold blast. We're much more likely to see 70s again.
  8. Looking really mild rest of March into April especially highs. Mostly low to mid 60s with probably some near 70F readings on a couple days or 10-15+ AN.
  9. Looks like a more seasonal leaf out expected. Things are much further behind than last year but with the milder temperatures we should make a lot of progress till Easter.
  10. I always find the worst tornadoes arrive when you least expect it. Hopefully tonight stays relatively calm. Nothing worse than some wedge tornado ravaging a city/town in the middle of the night.
  11. Pretty much every model shows a burst of snow Friday morning with temps in the 20s as low transfers to coast and winds blow from the NE.
  12. Strong confluence up north should cause this to stay further south. Models tonight suggest rare flash freeze event too for Friday morning.
  13. There's hints at a rare flash freeze event. Temperatures drop into the 20s with this snow burst Friday morning.
  14. Looks like a week of cool, raw weather and then full-on spring weather will coincide with astronomical spring. Bottomed out at 24F this morning. Could match that this evening before the clouds roll in tonight.
  15. If the pattern supports snow then it'll snow. We've seen plenty of snow in March recently. However currently the pattern is very marginal for anything more than a few snow showers or graupel.
  16. We still had 40" of snow though and BN Feb. Who cares what happens in March.
  17. Yikes will Boston really see near 0 wind-chills Sunday night? That sucks.
  18. Today was very nice but too early for mid 70s. 60s would've been fine. Temps could be nearly 50F lower by Saturday morning and there will be a chance for wintry weather next week.
  19. AO chart looks ridiculous and blows previous records away. In addition the AO may plunge into the negatives a few days after being near +6. Insane volatility.
  20. I give it till 3/21. The 3rd week of March has a surprising amount of snow events. March averages more snow than December for the NYC metro especially in the past 10 years.
  21. Much stronger drop today while MJO goes to 8-2. Should be near or below normal starting this weekend and beyond. Thurs/Fri could be the warmest until April.
  22. Wow at this rate Thursday may hit 75+ It could be awhile before we see things this warm again actually. Too bad it couldn't arrive for the weekend. Weekend looks BN with chilly winds to boot.
  23. It should make the summer and hurricane season really interesting again. Also some big heat waves are possible.
  24. There goes any chance at more wintry events. Rest of the month looks mild.
  25. Sneaky easterly flow Tue-Wed will keep coastal areas chilly. Thursday-Friday will push 70F though it'll be close for Friday. The further south you are the more likely you'll get 70s on Friday. By next weekend and 3rd week of March it'll be a mix between crappy and wintry.
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