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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Delayed but not denied. Euro looking not so nice. That's a major PNA spike and west based -NAO developing next week.
  2. Volatility is something that'll continue to grow in the years ahead. Nice 30+ degree diurnal range too. Was in the upper 30s this morning and 72F for the high.
  3. Once everyone agreed to have their phone on them 24/7 they lost the privacy argument.
  4. It does seem like everyone's mentally ready for a nasty spell yet in actuality the weather has been nice & will stay that way for a while.
  5. I'm interested to see what our technology can do against it. Bc even though we've seen more significant natural disasters (to some extent) the loss of life has decreased significantly. Maybe we could eventually reverse emissions to where the warming levels out at 2-3C or less, which while still major wouldn't result in catastrophic climate change.
  6. These next several decades will be interesting from a meteorological perspective but probably not good for humanity.
  7. It's my least favorite season. The erratic weather that's still too cool for summery activities, mud season, fog season, wind season, allergy season, dry/fire season, bug season, too cold for beach/lake, the end of winter. Mid March through mid May or early June some years is yuck even with seemingly nice days due to all the other factors mentioned.
  8. Yeah the weather looks mostly pleasant after today or tomorrow if 50s is too cold for you However there will be the threat of some easterly flow days so wouldn't be surprised to see cooler days mixed with the 60s. 70F+ readings will also be rare to find.
  9. What makes you think much warmer 2nd half outside of climo. Weeklies looked very blocky all month. Tellies are condusive to prolonged blocking with -NAO/AO and even a rising PNA.
  10. Today's definitely very chilly for a non-easterly flow early April day. Tonight's temps will be the coldest we've seen for April in several years.
  11. 28F this morning. Pretty cold.
  12. New Gfs really took a dump on spring.
  13. It looks that way though latest 12z Gfs went more blocky again.
  14. April look like another torch after a couple chilly days. So much for the -NAO ruining spring.
  15. There's no way we'll ever see a drought again.
  16. Some pretty good gusts with the front. I think if this were later in the season we would've seen widespread severe gusts.
  17. It looks more east-based so it shouldn't be that bad. It'll be a few cool days and then it'll get warmer again. We have multiple months of heat coming up and pretty soon everyone (except Forky) will be begging for cooler temps.
  18. Well there's a strong cold shot to start April and we've seen much warmer Marches before so things have been much worse. Still it's alarming that it doesn't take much to score another record high. Even a benign ridge could get it done nowadays.
  19. We'll likely see 20s later this week so another rollercoaster temperature ride.
  20. The early April cold shot will likely bring below freezing temps so we're not done with the cold just yet. Afterwards the -NAO block will keep April on the cooler side. No idea how long that'll last.
  21. Meh I don't need 80s in March. Last weekend's weather was perfectly fine. The early heat only breeds bugs.
  22. Omg that's really bad and the fact that it hit after midnight when most are sleeping too.
  23. Mid 60s in late March is a win. That's at least 10 degrees above normal.
  24. The strongest winds may actually be more inland tomorrow. WA now up. It wouldn't surprise me if they upped it to a HWW as we should get very strong mixing with the 80F highs.
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