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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Pretty strong -NAO too with MJO going into 8. I wouldn't be gung-ho on a big warm-up just yet. And if it does warm it could be a 1-2 day type of ordeal.
  2. I think we'll see damaging winds with it. Our area gets into warm sector, good timing with the front after peak heating. Very high shear and lapse rates. It's also getting closer to that time where severe threats have more potency.
  3. I disagree with that. They'll still be plenty of 70+ sunnier days. Personally I'd rather wait for the heat until it actually matters. 70s with some cooler days is ok for me.
  4. Yeah I'm not seeing 80s anymore though we could see some really warm temps on Tuesday (mid 70s) ahead of the front. Looks like another strong -NAO in the LR to start May. If that holds we may be waiting till mid May or longer for 80s.
  5. Severe weather with the intensifying tilting negative cold front Wednesday? Looks possible depending on timing. Afterwards we could see some rare 30s post 4/20 even into NYC.
  6. No but it's always a little jarring given how different mid April is compared to late summer.
  7. Looks like more ridging building in last few days of April. The low to mid 80s March max will be tough to beat but not impossible. Can't believe we're already seeing a late August sun angle.
  8. How's the foliage in the western CT/MA area. Based on leaf out index looks like things are progressing a couple weeks earlier than normal.
  9. I don't understand anti-vaxxers at all. I guarantee those people put plenty of other junk in their body including other drugs. It's odd that they picked vaccines as their one big no-no. Like sorry unless you're some non smoking, non drinking vegan hippy that only uses crystals & prayer to heal yourself I ain't buying your "concerns" about the vaccine.
  10. Darn where's the blocking when we need it for down here. Congrats interior SNE looks like a potential historic storm is on tap.
  11. Then I'm fine with letting them live with the risks as long as it doesn't harm me, which is where the vaccines come in. The only thing that this virus exposed is how incredibly selfish some people are.
  12. Not every day will be awful. Tue & Wednesday of this week look pretty nice. If those weeklies are correct then it'll be tough to hit 80F+ and top the March maximum. It'll likely depend on the last few days of April.
  13. Someone might get smacked. That's an impressive closed low. Not sure how those places are doing leaf out wise, any possibility of damaging wet snows?
  14. You could pull up 1000s of tables and it'll do little to convince those that don't believe it. The only people data tables will convince is those who already believed it to begin with.
  15. Society would collapse. Just think about the damage COVID caused with a lethality rate of .1 to .3 percent.
  16. Nice area of showers over the area and 45F. I'd be surprised if we get out of the 40s today.
  17. It's way better up there than down here. In NJ it was in the 50s Friday, not bad yesterday with near 70F and filtered sun, and now 50F & rain. Tomorrow looks even worse.
  18. Given the upcoming pattern it seems very unlikely max temps top what we saw in March. We may have to wait another month or more before 80s show up again.
  19. Hit 59 around 1 and now down to 54 in NJ. NYC is even lower. Onshore flow ftl.
  20. First effects of onshore flow in NJ. Only upper 50s right now, it was in the 70s yesterday. Goodbye clear, sunny skies.
  21. Why do people always go to the most cynical outcomes with new technologies. Whether it be mRNA vaccines or neuralink which was intended to help those paralyzed, we always think the worst.
  22. Still mostly sunny skies this morning.
  23. It hasn't even been seasonable. Temps are soaring to mid May levels multiple days in a row. Even with true blocking temps may still average near normal if not above if enough sun gets in.
  24. Very worrisome that even strong blocking isn't leading to cooler weather. The best we'll do is seasonable. I swear if we ever get a strong Bermuda High ridge we're shattering monthly records.
  25. Very California like weather and the best you'll ever see in Spring for us. 60s to low 70s with low humidity is pretty ideal for Spring...unless you have allergies of course. I wonder if this will carry over into the summer and we see 100F+ temps.
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