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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. A lot of people did this just for kicks and now have tens of thousands in BTC. Those are the stories people love to hear and that causes them to buy in aka FOMO. We never hear about the 90% of stories that end with people losing money.
  2. I mean sure as long as the hype continues it could go up. Doge is being listed on other places too which helps. I'm still learning about the crypto space but I do know Doge was created as a joke to make light of cryptocurrency. It was intended to make people feel at ease about the space. The creator of Doge is prob crapping himself seeing what's been happening. But I guess the jokes on everyone. If a meme coin could do this then everything we've ever known about money & economics is nonsense.
  3. $1 is as far as it gets in my opinion before the big guys dump. It's scary that people are dumping their life savings into Doge when a few wallets could dump nearly half the coins if they wanted to causing a massive price plunge. My prediction is there will be a run-up to Musk's SNL appearance and then things will crash hard as it approaches a dollar.
  4. If you have doge I would wait till Musk's SNL appearance May 8. I'm sure he'll have a skit about doge, which will cause it to pump further.
  5. Sadly a lot of people don't understand what this stuff is or how market caps work and think this will be the next Bitcoin. And sure they'll be plenty of people that will profit but they'll be a lot more that lose everything.
  6. It makes zero sense to buy in now. I bought about 30K shares when it was worth half a cent and cashed out at 30c. However doge is merely a pump & dump coin that will crash eventually. I think 20 people own like 60-70% of it. It's an uncapped, inflationary asset with nearly 130 billion in circulation with 5 billion mined every year.
  7. Yeah so weird how late June average temperatures aren't showing up in early May. I also imagine that it's just a lot harder to hit 90 vs 80 especially earlier in the year. We've seen the averages go up a lot especially mins but the extreme highs are still hard to come by because there's likely a limit to how far we could go at least for now.
  8. We should clear out after 12 and warm quickly.
  9. Yeah it's a little gusty. Widespread 45-50 mph gusts seem like a lock given the lapse rates. Not sure we'll get to 60 mph though. The timing is a little off in terms of best mixing.
  10. Looks like a long duration, strong wind event. And with the green up very far along it'll be more impactful than usual.
  11. The spike is going straight up for them, vaccines are in short supply, and the country is packed with much less adequate resources (oxygen) than we have. They might catch up to us very quickly in terms of per capita numbers.
  12. Yeah it's looking quite active. Highly unlikely we'll be seeing big dry spells.
  13. 0z Nam a lot rainier especially city south. Looks like north trend won out.
  14. Yeah and the BDCF could trend even stronger in the coming days. Models still picking up on it. We could see mid 80s flip to mid 50s from Wed to Thursday.
  15. I'll take the over anytime. We've been beating guidance for weeks. If the gfs is correct I wouldn't be surprised to see a couple 90s pop up somewhere.
  16. It's gonna come back again at some point in May. That's the oddball weather pattern we're in. Funny enough I think most places are anywhere from 1-3F AN so far this month.
  17. Another reason why spring sucks.
  18. 90F potential in the works given how temps tend to overperform? I wonder if the early heat is a sign of really hot summer.
  19. It went from early May to mid March. 69F to 53F currently and cloudy/gusty.
  20. Nice line forming. 68F now with some sun. Definitely could see some big gusts with that line.
  21. 06z Gfs is now downright summery late April into May. Shows mid to upper 80s multiple days.
  22. Yeah that's ridiculous. I see people wearing masks driving without anyone else in the car.
  23. Looks like Thursday will likely be the last time we see 30s until Oct/Nov. Very close to freezing forecast.
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