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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Get ready to make another thread for the next record heat wave in the Pacific NW. Seeing 110-115+ readings on some model outputs for Washington & Oregon.
  2. Are we still pretending that ENSO events haven't changed dramatically over the past decade?
  3. It blows me away how already hot areas out west are only getting hotter and crushing previous records. Our summers have been very warm and muggy but I don't feel we've had the same levels of max heat since 2010-11. However us being consistently warm still gave us top 10 summers. I guess we'll see what July/August bring.
  4. Some rare 40s this morning. Got down to 48F or something that we may not see again until late August or September.
  5. Hot, steamy & stormy look. Nice
  6. Air temp near 130F, ground is probably much hotter. Your shoes would melt on the concrete. Just insane levels of heat.
  7. What does that mean for their fire season. Drought levels weren't close to this bad last year. I sense another catastrophic season, maybe worst we've ever seen.
  8. Probably not getting out of the 60s today.
  9. When is he not bullish? Whether it's a blizzard or hurricane he'll hype the crap out of it.
  10. Maybe last week of June. Weeklies hint at ridging rebuilding around then. But with the growing drought in the west they'll have a tendency to see more ridging, which theoretically could lead to more troughiness here. We'll probably get bursts of hot weather but nothing sustained.
  11. Yeah droughts around here are a joke.
  12. You'd need systemic nationwide changes to curb emissions. A few people flying in a jet ain't doing diddly squat. Also how do you want people to get around...bike a few thousand miles.
  13. Too much rain now for our area. Will make it more difficult to hit 100F unless things really dry out rest of June.
  14. We'll probably oscillate between ridges & troughs. Ridging will try to focus over drought areas (currently in the plains out west, northern ne). We'll still get plenty of heat though.
  15. Not that long honestly. Can't believe it's already June.
  16. It's like a surging tsunami right now. I'd be shocked if it doesn't cross $100 soon. Short squeeze in play.
  17. I think theaters could survive if they spruce them up a bit. Thinking malls will have a tougher time unless they turn them into mini amusement parks.
  18. Yeah I'm gonna say hell no to the multi 100F readings.
  19. Yea it looks very midsummery by next weekend. Upper 80s to low 90s with dewey conditions. Maybe some severe too? Hopefully the June heat signals more impressive heat for July. I'm hoping to see 100s at least once this year. One caveat is that the strongest ridging will be to our N/NE so it wouldn't surprise me if models picked up more onshore flow days as we got closer.
  20. 47F and rain. Would be crazy if we never broke 50F today but temps should rise a bit once the rain stops later.
  21. I don't mind this. Clears all the pollen and will revitalize the lawns. Timing sucks but oh well they'll be plenty of nice hot weekends ahead.
  22. Models have been trending slower past 24hrs. Monday should still be the best day but we could be stuck in the 60s with more clouds rather than 70s and sunny.
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