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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. I think Euro is showing crappier weather than Gfs right now.
  2. Really sucky timing with the ULL slowly coming through Thursday into the weekend. Cool, cloudy & showery weather at best throughout. Funny since we quickly warm up right after too.
  3. It's in the mid 70s where I am, Somerset, and still in the 80s in the city. Today's gonna be a scorcher. 100F likely.
  4. Today is hot but it's like 110 & 100+ in Portland & Seattle right now where they average temps in the 70s. I can't even fathom that.
  5. One of the biggest blessings of the modern era. Otherwise everyone would be living in a sauna.
  6. I can't believe people actually enjoy this crap. Maybe a dry heat sure but not this.
  7. Already mid 80s before 10:30. Someone's gonna hit 100F
  8. There's little chance the strong WAR will get beaten down so quickly. Gfs will be right.
  9. I highly doubt the strong WAR will give way so quickly. Euro OP looks like a fluke.
  10. Our mid 90s this week look cool in comparison though I'm sure the dews will make up for it. Tomorrow looks even hotter for Portland & especially Seattle.
  11. Both could be higher tomorrow. Very warm night on tap for them.
  12. Didn't you also say the wet Memorial day weekend forecast was nonsense. To me seems like there's been a pattern of intense heat followed by cool, rainy weather since spring.
  13. Better hope it's wrong because it looks ugly. The 4th may still be salvaged.
  14. Heat without storms is boring. Same with cold without snow.
  15. Ok Alex Jones. Why must everything be a grand conspiracy. I prefer the internet but Christ were things a lot more peaceful before internet forums & social media became a thing.
  16. 4th of July weekend still doesn't look great. Gfs likely too progressive.
  17. Gfs was correct with the Memorial weekend misery, will it be correct this time?
  18. Would you rather have pressed your luck with said diseases or have gotten vaccine induced immunity. I think I'd rather get the vaccine and not chance it. Each disease is different too. We've yet to fully understand the after effects of COVID.
  19. Ever heard of smallpox or measles. You think they just died out from natural immunity.
  20. Natural immunity seems to last maybe 6 months tops. The science doesn't lie. 99.2% of current hospitalizations/deaths are from those unvaccinated. The vaccines are extremely effective. No one's forcing you to get one. At this point you're on your own just don't get upset if businesses or schools start requiring vaccination. It is also their right to do so, just ask Morgan Stanley. For the record I don't want unvaccinated people to meet their maker...that's psychotic. However there's no question cases will go up again in the fall/winter and the unvaxxed will be targeted. But w.e it's your risk not mine.
  21. I frankly don't care. If they wanna risk their lives then by all means go ahead. Have fun gasping for air. And if the unvaccinated complain that they can't access certain places bc businesses require vaccination then I also don't care. Welcome to the free market.
  22. There will likely be a decent resurgence next fall/winter mostly among unvaccinated. Delta variant is quite dangerous & transmissible so the unvaccinated will be at greater risk than ever before as virus will target them specifically.
  23. Imagine another weather disaster for the July 4th weekend. Still very far out but it wouldn't surprise me if this verified.
  24. So long crisp, dry conditions. We start turning up the heat tomorrow. Crazy double ridge scenario with places like Portland shattering records as we approach 100F.
  25. Yeah we've lost almost 5 seconds already. Summer is just getting started. There's plenty of heat, dews & storms to come.
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