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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Low to mid 50s looking likely Saturday morning here. That's a few weeks ahead of schedule. Usually mid-late August is when we get these shot across the bow cool downs. Fits the rushed theme this season really well.
  2. That's like saying winter is over Feb 6. We've seen years with colder departures in Feb/March than Dec/Jan over the past decade. The pattern will dictate how hot things get especially in August when the solar effects are still very strong.
  3. There's a lot of truth to this. The people who watch Fox News are older and most of them are vaccinated, which is funny when you have hosts spewing anti-vaxx content. Percentage wise latino & black communities are the least vaccinated and they skew heavily democratic. Most aren't the crazy anti-vaxxers you hear about though (microchipping, population control) rather it's more about being concerned about its safety as well as the side effects. I think full FDA approval could make them feel safer.
  4. Not often you see 50s in the forecast during peak summer climo. This is much more common 2nd half of August than late July.
  5. Our heatwave definitions need an update. Barely 90F for 3 days during peak summer climo is yawn worthy.
  6. I mostly use Twitter for local or breaking news, just avoid the comments. Never felt compelled to use Facebook...way too much oversharing.
  7. Considering we're already seeing horrible effects of climate change and there's no major meteor threat for decades I would focus on the former. Massive western droughts causing water shortages (Lake Mead), major flooding (land & coastal). People & animals are literally cooking in the Pacific NW, massive wildfires giving us smokey skies 1000s of miles away, increased tropical threats, etc. All this from about a 1.2C increase since start of industrial age. Imagine a 2C-2.5C increase that's very likely by the 2030s.
  8. Yeah definitely not. It'll be up to businesses honestly that's probably the only way to get more people vaccinated. If suddenly you can't go anywhere without proof of vaccination then you're kinda screwed. Even Republicans are hopping aboard the vaxx train. Once anti-vaxxers start hurting them politically & financially it's game over for that crowd.
  9. Ring of fire pattern? Looks like we'll be close to the where the main heat lies. No doubt the western ridge & drought are playing off each other. I wonder how that'll translate in the months ahead.
  10. Enter crypto. Although it's treated more like digital gold there's enough variance and development to potentially challenge fiat eventually. The dollar has been losing its value every year and even more now and that ain't stopping anytime soon with trillions being printed annually.
  11. Yeah basically unless people enjoy sitting in their own sweaty filth. Humidity is also extremely dangerous once it gets high enough.
  12. It's pretty pathetic that despite a favorable ice retention pattern we're still not too far from record sea ice lows. I fully anticipate another cliff dive year like 2012 very soon (next 1-3 years).
  13. I'm further inland and it has definitely been quite hot even for July standards (1-2F AN). I do think we'll get closer to normal with more near normal to even below normal weather after today.
  14. Yes I agree that certain things should not be named but that doesn't mean it's part of some agenda. A lot of weak systems last year did deserve to be named but people brought up that same political talking point. Also clearly the NHC isn't playing up to people's conspiracies which is why that east of Florida low never got any recognition.
  15. June was very hot. So far July isn't the scorcher it could be especially if the cooldown verifies next week.
  16. Yeah I think we need to update the terminology. By default it's always going to be warm to hot in July. Upper 80s to low 90s is not that far from normal. When I think hot I think minimum 95+ like we'll see tomorrow.
  17. Models hinting at some nice relief from the heat after the mild Thurs-Sat heatwave. We'll have to see what happens beyond as those cool downs have been followed by record breaking heat a few days later.
  18. Storms ending up further south though some storms popping up further north. Absolute deluge to our SW near PA/NJ border.
  19. Yup. Plenty of sun too could help with the severe threat though flooding will be the biggest threat. Someone's getting 6"+
  20. Atmosphere is primed today. 81/75 feeling like a sauna. CAPE already 2000+ Precip values over 2"
  21. You could imagine how quickly things turned south and cleared during 1938 cane. Basically calm to a few hours of hell back to calm.
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