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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Basically a continuation of our tucked in tracks. Major flooding for NJ if this gets near NYC. Surge & hurricane gusts out on LI.
  2. Storm looks west of NHC track. LLC near 74W. Landfall closer to NYC wouldn't surprise me. Storm slows down and loops on approach which means heavy flooding & coastal impacts. How severe will depend on how strong Henri gets. A Category 2+ at peak strength likely weakening to 80-85 mph Cat 1 is possible.
  3. Euros gonna be late to the party again. It had Fred's remnants coming much further east than the other models and was way off.
  4. LI/CT would be in big trouble if the stronger storm scenario plays out.
  5. Shear clearly decreasing now. Henri looks good and should be in a good environment by tomorrow.
  6. Surge should be quite bad. You better hope it doesn't blow up tomorrow & Saturday. Models are always off on intensity (usually too weak).
  7. Even if they are the threat of significant impacts is real. It doesn't help that a lot of places got dumped on today and don't forget the high tides this weekend.
  8. Recon should help a lot moving forward. It does seem next 24-36hrs are critical as to where it'll end up. A stronger system will tug further west.
  9. In terms of surge/coastal impacts what would be the worst case for the landfall location. Cape, RI/CT, SE MA?
  10. Whatever you say. Enjoy your hurricane.
  11. I don't want a storm. Dealt with enough nonsense with Sandy and Isaias flooded my basement. Just pointing it out.
  12. I would not discount a west trend. Every coastal or tropical system in the last several years was shoved further west due to a stronger WAR. If this were a winter coastal I'd still be nervous that it gets tucked in.
  13. System looks decent for being in such a heavily sheared environment. I'd be preparing if I lived in eastern NE. I wouldn't be surprised to see a Cat 2+ hurricane prior to landfall.
  14. Hopefully that's the case. The Ukmet solution would be pretty ugly. Tides will also be greater than normal due to full moon.
  15. Nope, if anything the tracks are shifting further west. Can't rule out a LI or CT/RI strike.
  16. I actually think it'll end up further west. Potentially over LI.
  17. Very strong wind shear over Henri right now. Gotta be nearly 30 knots.
  18. Don't pay attention to off runs. If 0z corrects then sure.
  19. It would be really tough for it to swing that far west though not impossible. The WAR has to end up a lot stronger, Henri needs to become a lot stronger and then maybe it'll happen. I do think if it did manage to get that far west that it'd be a pretty strong system.
  20. I think the WAR will keep the west trend going but equally important will be how strong Henri gets. Seems like a stronger system will get tugged further west in this scenario. That's something I'm keeping an eye on. So far the current strength matches what the gfs is showing.
  21. Should see some nice swells regardless of what happens. That WAR has been forcing tracks west so I wouldn't doubt the furthest west models here.
  22. The further S&W it gets next 48hrs the closer it'll be up here. Strength also seems to be a factor. A stronger storm will be forced further west due to greater interaction with a weak trough near east coast.
  23. Which makes Henri a little bit interesting.
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