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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. How low future Sam stays will determine if the Euro is correct. Several troughs will be weakening the ridge to its north and subsequently cause him to head further north but eventually the WAR will rebuild. How far north he gets before the WAR rebuilds will be key.
  2. So far September has been very underwhelming though Larry was impressive. A lot of sheared OTS storms but that's very likely to change and it starts with this system. Although it's likely to go OTS it has a better chance of impacting the islands and even the east coast given the extremely complex setup. A lot of ridges and closed lows will make the track forecasts a lot more challenging than normal.
  3. There's no agenda, it's called reality. But too many people prefer to live in a fantasy world where science doesn't exist.
  4. So are there still people downplaying AGW because so far Forky is running up the scoreboard. July like dews deep into September.
  5. The acceleration in warming over just the last few years has been astounding and terrifying. And the funny thing is that we're probably one of the coolest spot in the country relatively speaking outside parts of the Pacific NW.
  6. This system will be a problem for someone. Models correcting SW, lots of ridging and closed lows around. EPS is very ominous.
  7. That could favor Florida to NC as ridge will likely build overhead.
  8. Yea they were way too slow moving even with the strong WAR.
  9. That's a bit ominous. Gfs is much further north and eventually recurves. The diving NAO could be a problem.
  10. There's the ghost of Peter lurking offshore.
  11. Things won't change until some devastating consequences are realized. Humans are reactionary not proactive. Additionally once companies' bottom lines get hit via catastrophic climate change effects is when they'll make changes.
  12. Ensembles are growing stronger with troughing later next week. Huge difference from a few days ago.
  13. EWR is the only spot that could pull up 90s from now on and even that looks dicey. Models looking a lot more troughy late September so we'd have to have a monster heat ridge in October to get more 90s. Unlikely but not impossible.
  14. How many decades do you think we have to get decent snows. What's our tipping point?
  15. Increase in precip made up for the increase in avg temps. Eventually the increasing avg temps will win out though.
  16. Yea we haven't seen a real fall transition since the 2000s. When's the last time Sep-Nov was near or below normal. 95?
  17. Late September is looking more troughy than a few days ago. Models shifting around a lot in mid-long ranges...guessing seasonal transition playing a role in the uncertainty.
  18. Atrocious foliage season. 80s deep into October
  19. It's basically July/August with a weaker sun. Insane amount of heat and it looks endless. Given the wet weather combined with hot temps the foliage season could be delayed by a few weeks.
  20. Lol Your prediction already failed. And it will continue to fail.
  21. This is our new reality. Things will just get worse and worse every year.
  22. Models are always too quick to recurve MDR storms.
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