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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Yeah I wouldn't give up on the weekend coastal.
  2. They don't and I love getting all those weenies for posting the truth. Btw get ready for more 60s and 70s 2nd & 3rd week of November.
  3. If we're seeing this kind of warmth today imagine 5-10 years from now. It'll be Septemberlike in November.
  4. I do think mid November (or even earlier) will be mild but I also see that being transient. I think the last third will turn cooler and that will go along with the expected blocking in December.
  5. Euro missed the mark with the hybrid storm. It had the low tucked off NJ coast but it ended up SE of LI.
  6. If the Nina stays coupled then I would buy it. Early season blocking is also strongly favored due to weak PV.
  7. And some still hope a major comes by one year. Yeah good luck with that I'm sure nothing bad will happen.
  8. Afternoon models amping up LLJ for tomorrow night. You can see there's better mixing with higher temps depicted for S/C NJ. Much more of a wind threat than the last system. Could easily see widespread 40-50mph gusts.
  9. Works for me. Been saving a lot of money on heating bills. As long as it's below 70 in November then I'm fine.
  10. It won't come in without a WAR fight but yes cooler air is likely. I think the growing season will end for most late next week.
  11. As long as the track doesn't tuck. Hopefully yesterday's storm will be a precursor to our winter storm tracks.
  12. I don't think we'll see much wind with this. The trend has clearly been east with the low. If you're looking for wind then Friday's storm could be a better bet. Strong gradient with a south'easter type system. We could easily see 40-50mph gusts with that.
  13. Backs in all the way from Nantucket. Doesn't really weaken till it nears NJ coast. Lots of tree damage if correct. The preceding rains will weaken soils.
  14. I think we are due for some cooler weather even taking AGW into account. The positive numbers have been so off the charts that a correction seems likely. Noticed models are trending stronger with early November cool shot. Could very well end the growing season for many.
  15. Gradually increasing amounts. Widespread 4-6" totals looking likely with isolated 8"+ amounts. I'm seeing a double barreled low with one low on the coast and a second SE of LI. Eventually the two merge what is why the eastern low loops west to just off the NJ coast. Wind impacts could come from the initial low on the coast and from the subtropical like storm that retros. You can really see the LLJ increase on the HRRR. LI is going to get whacked. I definitely could see them getting near hurricane force gusts
  16. Models can't figure out if there'll be two lows or one main low. Regardless it looks like a heavy rain event with gusty winds is likely. But like the NWS said it's a very low confidence forecast meaning things could end up worse than expected.
  17. Yikes at that Nam run. Very strong winds too. Breaks the inversion hence the much warmer temperatures this run for Tuesday. Also matches Euro/EPS If trends continue it's gonna get ugly.
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