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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. MJO very borderline. Doesn't look very strong, signs it may slink into 7
  2. I would hold off on that until we enter December. Don't like the continued +EPO and strengthening Alaskan vortex. Also lack of Atlantic blocking is concerning.
  3. March is the other cooler month and if November played out that way this year I wouldn't be surprised to see another cold March. Also think Jan & especially Feb torches unless there's massive blocking. Also hoping we see a 2017-2018 winter play out.
  4. I think mood flakes are becoming more possible Sunday with potential for something more. Really depends on how much the shortwave is able to dig. We do have cold air around which is positive.
  5. A -EPO will be tough to get but you don't need arctic cold for snowfall opportunities. Despite a very positive EPO November will still be BN.
  6. November 28-30 is pretty much December already. Kind of like how March 1-2 could still be February.
  7. Definitely adjusting towards a more Nina December but still has a long way to go.
  8. And yet when it shows warm in the LR you say it must be correct. The AN November call will also be a flop.
  9. Ridge has to sharpen a bit or shift further west to allow storm to ramp up near the coast.
  10. Surprised no one's talking about this. Really nice western ridge ahead of this with cold supply in the east Classic phase change in the tellies as well. -NAO/AO rising, + PNA
  11. Maybe but the reports back up those warnings.
  12. He's going to say snowless torchy winter ever year. It's like JB saying cold, snowy winter every season. Eventually they'll end up correct though JB less so given today's climate. I suppose this year has more potential to go wrong than other years. A warm 11/12 style winter wouldn't surprise me given how much negatives there are to overcome.
  13. I feel like the northeast is about to become a secondary tornado alley in several years. I still couldn't believe the look & strength of the tornadoes in NJ this summer.
  14. Models will correct colder as we get closer to December. Active pacific jet is muddling the model data. The run to run model shifts are jarring and anyone thinking the forecast is set in stone is fooling themselves. So far the Nina has remained coupled.
  15. That PNA rise is big. Hopefully it stays on the models.
  16. At least the Alaskan vortex goes away. Looks like a gradient pattern.
  17. Meh we always get 70s in November. Nothing special. Maybe if it was 80F
  18. We'll need some western ridging otherwise it won't be great. Atlantic blocking is a must otherwise it'll look like 2001. It's gonna be another tough year with models I think.
  19. Must be a concrete jungle. We've had multiple freezes already in central NJ and seen 20s at least twice.
  20. Did he even look at the MJO forecasts. Majority show the MJO going to 7-1
  21. Down to 29F, tied for coldest night so far this season. Should get a little bit lower before things moderate.
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