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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. The warming trend is very real though. December has been a torch averaged over the past decade. Fastest temperature rise of any winter month.
  2. Well I guess we're back to our single snow squall winter then.
  3. Pretty high amplitude MJO mid December onward. Does look like it's going to 8 but we've seen these head fakes before. Wonder if we'll start seeing changing on the modeling soon
  4. Welcome to our new climate change related paradigm.
  5. What a blowtorch mid December wow. Widespread 60s and 70s across entire country.
  6. I suppose we could also be in a prolonged unfavorable phase that'll last several years. Like a warm version on the 80s/90s. The +EPO has been a mainstay.
  7. Yeah sure but I'm not too sure it'll be that simple
  8. Absolute blowtorch for the entire CONUS on EPS. Gives me hope for Jan/Feb though. We are no longer following typical ENSO climo anymore.
  9. I wouldn't discount a more amped up storm still 3+ days out given rocket fuel ssts to our east.
  10. We've seen models amp up time and time again as we get closer so I wouldn't discount this potential.
  11. A rare time when an unfavorable pattern could help us out. But it could also get sheared out.
  12. Trending towards a very weak system. Not sure if they'll be too much with this but it's better than nothing.
  13. Maybe a blowtorch December like 2015 will lead to a monstrous snowstorm in Jan. The waters are gonna be like rocket fuel , That's been one of the themes following a massive torch. We saw it after the 80F Feb reading as well.
  14. It's a blowtorch pattern. Not Nina climo whatsoever which gives me hope for Jan-March. The last mega December torch led to Jan 2016. That being said you can't compare 2015 to now either. If blocking doesn't materialize then it'll probably end up like 2011-2012, a strong analog this year. And I'm good with that honestly. A nice mild, dry winter ain't bad at all. Just hope it doesn't eff up spring and we get March like weather next 5-6 months.
  15. I don't see us torching like that either because Canada still looks very cold and the fast flow will prevent big cutters. So it'll probably be more of the same warm 1-2 days followed by cool downs.
  16. Yeah I think it's the other aspects of CC that are impacting our snow events rather than just overall warming averages. So the big events get really big while there's less small to mid-tier storms like you said.
  17. Fast Pacific flow probably helped keep us colder than we would've been this month as it prevented big inland cutters from forming which would've torched us.
  18. Yeah I don't feel good moving forward. Congrats snowman19 it seems that calling for warm & snowless every year means you'll get it right eventually like a dead clock. However if December doesn't play out like typical Nina climo what's to say Jan-March will. So it's too early to say what will happen.
  19. 28F right now. Temps dropping quickly outside urban areas.
  20. Another chilly day for late November. 40F now and 43F today. Solidly negative departure month and a stark difference from the record warm October.
  21. You won't get much with fast Pacific jet pattern. You don't even get the big inland cutters due to how fast the flow is. There's a good cold source to our north though so we end up on the cooler side of things but it'll never get very cold due to state of pattern.
  22. If December doesn't follow the typical Nina narrative then why should the other months follow it. That being said you don't want to get completely shut out in a Nina December otherwise it doesn't bode well for the rest of winter.
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