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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Highly unusual and convoluted pattern that will wreck havoc on the models. Models still attempting the phase shortwaves for 22nd which will have implications for future events. Strong -PNA coupled with strong Atlantic blocking. Everything is destructively interfering with one another. Now if this were mid-late Feb or March we would be sitting pretty given wavelength changes but as it stands it's one big mess.
  2. Oh what a surprise that a big -PNA isn't a good thing in late Dec/Jan
  3. Assuming this pattern locks in I'm expecting a very cold & snowy March.
  4. We had December highs in the teens back in the 2000s. Now getting below 40F is difficult.
  5. I'll take a good pacific over Atlantic blocking any day. That's why 13/14 & 14/15 were some of my favorite winters ever.
  6. On its face no December snowfall in a Nina is bad but we've seen a lot of things that we've never had before lately. Maybe this could be the first time we see 30"+ after 0" in December in a Nina.
  7. Theres plenty of cold air around but it's focused out west. Canada is very cold as well. Places that don't normally get snow out west will get plenty of it. Seattle & Vancouver and most of BC will see an unusual amount of cold & snow.
  8. Hopefully that's what happens. However those crazy negative anomalies off the west coast make me think otherwise. I am getting 2007-2008 vibes though. Central/northern New England will score huge in this pattern. SNE is on the fence. Anyone further south is cooked if things don't improve out west.
  9. A negative NAO/AO combined with a strongly negative PNA/PDO in late December/January will lead to a gradient pattern that favors New England. It's very 2007-2008 esque with heaviest amounts in central/northern New England
  10. I would wait a few days. The wild Pacific jet is causing day and night changes over a span of a few runs. It could easily flip in 2 days. Anything after 3 days is highly speculative on the op runs.
  11. Nice Xmas blowtorch on the Euro. Blocking doesn't mean squat with a record negative PNA/PDO. If you thought the anomalies for the US were warm before just wait till next week. Should easily be the warmest December on record.
  12. PNA is the problem. The streams won't phase unless we see a more positive PNA. Hopefully it keeps trending more favorably
  13. Pretty obvious trends as we get closer. At 5 days out this could continue to trend.
  14. MJO 7 is still okay though.
  15. Gfs getting closer to something good for 23rd. Really nice improvements out west. Trend is our friend?
  16. Yeah I'd be surprised if it pulled it off so quickly.
  17. Today & tomorrow will be the warmest days for a while. EPS is looking better. Improvements out west for sure, hopefully that trend continues. We're a couple positive trends away from taking the 22nd system more seriously. That's a really nice Greenland block on the EPS and the big trough out west has been shifting further offshore.
  18. Miller A look if the PNA was more positive day 5 on Euro. Blocking is present.
  19. Very little this time of year unless there's strong advection present. Higjest I see is 65 in southern/eastern NJ
  20. That mega -PNA isn't very exciting this time of year. The Atlantic blocking needs to be on steroids to compensate.
  21. That EPS is looking kinda interesting just before Christmas. Miller A hopes maybe? We'd need a ton of improvement out west but will monitor to see if there's a trend.
  22. Not a chance with that -PNA
  23. We should expect more fall/winter tornadoes as climate warms. Strong jet stream & cyclones this time of year coupled with warming temperatures is a recipe for trouble.
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