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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Virginia is about to get more snow than anyone outside of the mountains in the Northeast saw so far.
  2. If that Pacific ridge plays out then I have no issues with losing the Atlantic blocking. I'll take a good pacific over Atlantic any day. However it's gonna be a struggle sustaining that with the -PDO. So I think we'll be good through Jan 20 before things turn mild again. Still a long shot that Sunday night works out.
  3. On the other hand it'd be a really cold month if we lived in Florida.
  4. In what way exactly. Are you referring to the Hadley cell.
  5. Basically back and forth pattern. Warm 1-2 days with rain, cold shot for a day or two then more warmth/rain and rinse/repeat. Looks like crap if you're looking for snow.
  6. The scary thing is how mundane this feels. Everyone is just accustomed to the new normal which I guess is good if we're able to adapt so quickly. However these new normals will also be responsible for devastating weather & ecological events in the future. Also if we ever had another top 5-10 cold December or January people would go nuts.
  7. If it's gonna be bad then give me 60s and sun. These rainy, dreary days are disgusting. We're getting Seattle's weather.
  8. Everyone had a meltdown when I mentioned CC in the New England forum. I don't understand why it's so triggering to people and how is a scientific fact political. It's like saying 2+2=4 is controversial. But you can't ignore it. We are crushing past records.
  9. NJ has seen plenty of interesting weather over the years arguably moreso than many places up north. From hurricanes to major flooding to tornadoes, wind events, snowstorms so that statement makes zero sense.
  10. Even near normal weather in Jan will feel frigid. It's amazing how warm things have been.
  11. Gfs op really replicates the Jan MJO 7 pattern to a tee through day 10. More ridging out west, cold in the middle and ridge resistance off the east coast. Also wants to do a flash freeze Sunday night but we know how that usually plays out.
  12. It has that early spring dreary feel to it. Could stay that way with some breaks rest of week.
  13. Note to self: Never mention climate change because everyone loses their minds.
  14. Yes they are. I live in the suburbs so the cold has been enough to kill most blooms but many urban places barely dropped below freezing. The current warmth will only help.
  15. Looks like 55-60F for the rest of the week, a brief cool down and more 50s. Won't be long till flowers start blooming.
  16. Nice mega ridge with a subtropical storm too.
  17. And I don't see that stopping anytime soon which means winters from now on should mostly be a lot milder with less snows. Occasionally there could still be patterns that deliver a significant snowstorms but they'll be a lot rarer. Our golden era is sadly over. Meanwhile the west coast and Pacific NW will have their golden era at least until the warming becomes too much.
  18. Something is changing. Pattern is looking a lot more active which is good. Looks like cutter season
  19. What a torchy rest of the week. 50s and even 60+ readings. Winter is dead until further notice
  20. My thoughts are we get most of the snows in late winter. Late Feb & March as blocking returns and PNA signature is more favorable.
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