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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Great post Tip but unfortunately it'll end up in a collection of close calls me thinks. I see a potential bomb but strongly feel it'll be too far east for most. Trough is displaced east and there isn't a strong blocking pattern to anchor the storm in. But hey at least there's something interesting to track.
  2. The GEFS wasn't that impressive. If it captures it'll be well offshore. The trough is too far east and there's no Greenland blocking to hold it in place. At best it'll be a brush-by.
  3. Except there's zero support for it happening. This one's a dud imo. Late month is probably going to be OTS. Just not seeing anything positive in terms of snow atm. Fast flow ftl
  4. Fast flow ain't helping anyone. There's plenty of shortwaves out there but they ain't phasing.
  5. The 12z runs highlight the problems of fast flow. Unless we have a very strong PNA ridge it'll be a struggle to get a phase going so I'm not very optimistic right now.
  6. While our hunt for snow continues, parts of SC/NC/VA had a nice event last night. So far this year has had something for everyone. Places to our south really cleaned up already.
  7. Yikes no thanks, 0 is enough for me. Although I guess -30 isn't as bad as long as there's no wind.
  8. Something is def going to happen end of January given strong and consistent signals from ensembles. Way too early to say what exactly though. That's a strong signal from 06z GEFS. The problem is whether the trough axis will end up too far east leading to another close call. I'd like to see a sharper ridge out west moving forward.
  9. The trough looks considerably further east than the last major cutter. OTS is more of a risk imo. I think the new Euro upgrade amps the storms too far.
  10. Personally I think a miss is more likely than what the Euro op shows. The trough is pretty far east.
  11. Gfs shows a pretty good SSW event early Feb
  12. The snows will come when everyone has lost all hope. 12z runs weren't too bad. I like the GFS/ggem combo
  13. The ridge over Alaska maintains the cold supply despite seemingly unfavorable parameters otherwise.
  14. That ridge for February could easily give widespread 70s for multiple days even. Maybe even an 80F reading nearby.
  15. Get ready for another March 2018 repeat.
  16. Theres def some merit to this. Euro op has been performing terribly this year. It really would be amazing if we got through this period with nothing. Talk about incredibly bad luck.
  17. Looks like we're back to our cool Nov, blowtorch Dec & Feb and likely cool March pattern. Jan has been a mixed bag with this year leaning cooler.
  18. Back-edge coming fast. Will get a dusting at best. We've had more than that in a 10 minute squall.
  19. White rain, 34F. Looks like it ends by 11. Ground is wet so unlikely to see anything. Pathetic
  20. If it's not gonna snow then I'd love an extended spring. Nothing more depressing than cold/dry, it's completely useless.
  21. Chances are when we're hoping for a nice early spring the weather will turn foul. If Feb is a blowtorch then March likely won't be.
  22. I'm at 37F as well. If it does flip it'll last for less than an hour. The least snowy models got it right.
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