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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Ratios should be good with this. I think people are underestimating that even with the wind factor. I could see 15:1 in this setup
  2. The double barrel look is likely showing up because the models are trying to resolve the capture. The lows wants to go NE but the capture would tuck it NW so you get solutions that show both. But this is why you should temper your expectations. Don't expect 20" of snow, aim low and if you do get more than you expect it'll be a nice surprise.
  3. Will the Nam be correct? Maybe, it often shines right about now. I would play it a lot more conservatively. Hopefully we reach more consensus at 12z.
  4. In most cases these powerful storms keep ticking west till it begins. It's what often leads to unexpected mixing near the coast. This time mixing won't be an issue though.
  5. BTW temps are in the teens with 50-70mph gusts. Insanity if this verifies
  6. Absolutely ridiculous. Those warm SSTs will also aid in its intensification
  7. That's a blizzard btw. The wind gusts are ridiculous
  8. That's as good as it's gonna get for LI. One more shift like that and everyone wins
  9. Oh boy you're gonna get the weenies riled up.
  10. Atlantic City may break its Jan monthly record
  11. Pick the scraper and you won't be disappointed.
  12. The west & east spread is just a matter of will there be a capture or not. In the event of a capture the surface low appears to head NW as the storm intensifies then ENE. That's clearly illustrated on the western side of the EPS.
  13. It's a little messy. If you're counting on a massive storm then temper those expectations. The odds of everything aligning perfectly in this pattern is very unlikely though not impossible. My expectations are very low for this. NYC east has much better odds, excellent odds for eastern LI.
  14. What a chaotic pattern. GFS op run is nuts. Who knows what to expect at this point. Snowman's torch Feb is going down in flames
  15. It may very well be. Everything is so close that it's going to be impossible to pinpoint this till it's happening. Just look at the run to run shifts. I don't think I've ever seen such volatility this close in. It's a forecasting nightmare.
  16. After the frustration this month that would be a massive win. The +AO/PNA couplet is not favorable for us but much more favorable for Boston hence why they're getting the big amounts.
  17. Stinks because we're so close to something much bigger. A slightly faster phase would make a world of difference.
  18. GFS clearly trending towards other models It may not get it right till tomorrow morning honestly
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