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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. My expectations for Feb particularly first 3 weeks are really low so if we get any snow it'll be a huge win. I remain positive for the Feb 20 - March 15 period.
  2. Works for me. I didn't get a lot of snow so I don't really care if it gets washed away. Plus I don't want ice. I think there's better potential after this though.
  3. So did anyone get the elusive 30" Looks like a couple spots hit it.
  4. At least you did well. Imagine being such a weenie that tracks a storm for a week, watching every model run only to get 6-7". Let this bury NNE
  5. GFS/CMC went the other way. Very icy in NNE and rain elsewhere.
  6. The early Feb storm could be more interesting. Strong AO drop around that time with PNA still positive. Some models are a lot colder/more suppressed. Although I expect mostly a cutter there is some evidence to the contrary. And if it is a cutter those who got very little snow yesterday will be vindicated somewhat.
  7. It'll be close, they're hanging between 3/4 so could go either way. I do think a warmer pattern eventually wins out but could be delayed. We could also go back and forth which means we'll be fighting a gradient pattern. Hopefully it breaks colder/snowier. There's a lot of Arctic air up north which is good. That will keep us in the game. I do think place N/W that missed out today will catch up quickly.
  8. This month has been a solid winter month. BN temperatures and AN snows. So even if everything goes to crap at least we got something out of it.
  9. Jesus at that banding at Boston. Someone's getting 3' or better
  10. Still coming down quite a bit by Somerset. Ratios must be quite high now. 18F
  11. Very cold storm, I think 7-8" near New Brunswick seems reasonable
  12. It wasn't in the cards. 6-7" is doable though. At least cleanup will be easy
  13. NJ radar looking nice. Ratios should increase overnight
  14. Nice to see the HRRR continuing to trend better.
  15. Do not buy the low shredding like that when it's so consolidated early on.
  16. EPS is only relevant for mid-long range forecasts. Not when the storm is occurring Additionally the bust potential is to the upside. If the models are wrong about delaying the phasing/capture then the 06z Nam wins.
  17. With less wind likely ratios should be quite high. We saw this with the early Jan storm.
  18. People tossing the towel before the storm starts? Who could've seen that coming
  19. Yeah if that works itself out then watch out Short term meso watch for that
  20. GFS consolidating better. Trough is sharper
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