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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. It comes out night with temperatures dropping below 30. Doesn't matter how warm its been.
  2. By mid Feb you're getting a late October sun angle plus you body has acclimated to the cold so 50s feel a lot warmer than November/December. With our warming climate the transition into spring comes quickly however you still get flashes of harsh winter weather to ruin the party, which feel worse after a string of upper 50s.
  3. There's no sugar coating the cutter to Canada. There's nothing stopping it from continuing to trend more amped/warmer. Packs could be decimated even in NNE but given it's only mid Feb they should have more snow events through March to replenish it.
  4. If he thinks that's bad then just wait till the cutter hits. Rain & 50s all the way to Canada
  5. You do not want this. This type of extreme heat over a large metro area would be very bad. We've also warmed a lot since then so heat on that level could rival the heat we saw in Pacific NW or 110+ temperatures.
  6. CMC just confirms this will be a solid storm. It was way too far west with the last snow event.
  7. That's a good sign. Ukie has been God awful all season
  8. Things look good for another snow event before things warm. Probably another high ratio 4-8"
  9. GFS looking better this morning. Reminds of a 13/14 type system.
  10. Why so dismissive of mid Feb. Big PNA spike, a follow-up shortwave moving up the coast. There's ensemble support at least. I wouldn't write it off.
  11. Feb will still be several degrees above normal even if it isn't an all out torch. Just look at this week. I see low to mid 50s for highs. We get a brief cool down but then things trend up again. This is far from the Jan chill we've experienced
  12. Awesome, sign me up for severe weather
  13. This could easily be far more impactful at least here than the Friday event
  14. This winter so far has been very meh. Not the worst but not good either. We'll see if things change. I'm more excited about the severe weather season. That has really ramped up lately and should continue to do so this year.
  15. I'm not too thrilled about the future pattern. The lack of blocking hurts. We got away with it in 13/14 & 14/15 because the PNA/EPO were extremely favorable. This season is one big mashup that barely works.
  16. I think it means chances for accumulating snow are over. So by that metric our chances don't end till mid April though you can see ahead of time if the pattern could support late season snow.
  17. The pattern doesn't look good for anything big but it's not a dead pattern. This week looks very meh and quite mild actually. The following look has much more potential.
  18. This would really have to blow up as it moves NE. Very unlikely atm but we'll see. Streams are dragging behind as usual aka the story of the winter
  19. It's tough to get that excited for anything without any Atlantic blocking. I think we'll score another 5-7" event mid month that will melt 2-3 days later just from the -EPO/+PNA and then hopefully we get some blocking to finish winter. However the big dogs are nowhere to be found.
  20. It's still 35F in Somerset with precip almost over. Surprised that it's lower for places to my NE Was happy that it was all rain here though.
  21. Lol Atlantic City and many coastal NJ towns are 30"+
  22. Nice cold rain. Get used to that for the next few months if SSWE happens in March. Temps stalled at 38F. The timing was not in our favor, had this occurred in the evening more places would've seen icing.
  23. Yup. Although temperatures dropped they ain't going to freezing until well after precip ends. Only areas well N&W will.
  24. I'm not seeing it either. Actually the current period is the milder one that covers the coming week. The Feb 10-20 period looks chilly. Also notice how snowmanweenie doesn't say the EPO will be negative and PNA positive. Just that AO/NAO are positive
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