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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. 67F in Somerset today. A nice mid April day. Still in the 60s now
  2. If that's true then there would be threats till mid March at least. No early spring with that look
  3. Very nice look. I noticed it's raising heights over Greenland too. The 25/26th looks like a possible threat. GGEM even makes the threat before it close but think that's for C/NNE to possibly SNE.
  4. The biggest worry is suppression for sure but I don't see a March 2015 or was it 2014 where the Mid-Atlantic got all the snows.
  5. Do you think this will aid with the winds later.
  6. Wild it was just in the teens a couple days ago and it'll be back in the teens a couple days from now.
  7. Less clouds now and temperatures really soaring. 66F
  8. He's a troll. Ignore it. He's been hilariously wrong all year and gets things right about as often as a dead clock. So far the ensembles are favorable for late Feb into March. Can they change warmer, sure, but until that happens the colder path is more probable.
  9. Clouds will make it harder to hit records.
  10. I disagree. I see a lot of overrunning/SWFE. A lot of messy systems possible
  11. Hopefully we cash in. March should theoretically be a lot more active/stormy than January. You have airmasses clashing, rapidly changing wave lengths, some of the most powerful coastals were in March. However the lack of any NAO/AO isn't promising. Not sure how important they are later in the season but imagine they're still good to have.
  12. I'm not sure exactly how late Feb & March will play out but it should be interesting if you enjoy stormy weather & not just snow. I'm definitely going to enjoy the milder weather though. Wasn't a fan of this recent cold.
  13. That would yield interesting results. I guess we could be going back to our cool Nov/March + torch Dec/Feb pattern.
  14. Well WW3 could be coming with nukes. Nuclear winter before we all perish?
  15. It's 26F in mid Feb but it feels cold given how pitiful the cold spells have been lately. Feb 2015 was the last truly cold Feb.
  16. GEFS not as terrible very last couple days this month into March.
  17. Considering the rest of Feb looks like hot garbage I'll take any severe weather event
  18. It looks nice. Probably a couple inches out there. Still snowing now.
  19. This has been very accurate all season. Would be a big surprise as almost nobody is expecting it.
  20. That cutter looks like a beast. Getting more intense on the models. Winds will easily mix in that environment
  21. Add to that the rapid temperature reversals. 60s into teens back into 60s over a few days.
  22. Warm air ahead of this adds a lot of juice plus it's a red flag that indicates the low may end up further NW. Could be interesting tonight
  23. Strong wind event with that cutter. Winds should easily mix down with temps possibly as high as mid to even upper 60s ahead of the front.
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