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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. I see no reason why this can't trend more amped as it gets closer.
  2. I highly doubt it'll be as pleasant and picturesque as he thinks. I see a lot of dangerous weather this spring & summer. Also late March & April/May will likely have some crappy stretches with easterly flow guaranteed to cause misery.
  3. Well the good news is we don't have to deal with the snow question after Saturday for at least 8 months, which means Snowman will shut up finally. I suppose there's always a chance of a late March or April fluke but the weeklies don't support anything of that nature.
  4. There's a whole country out there, why only focus on the same dozen spots. And nowadays work can be done anywhere.
  5. After this weekend we can finally toss this crappy winter in the garbage. Not a disaster thanks to -EPO but solid C- Warm weather (60s & 70s) from mid March onward. Hopefully it stays like that through May. The 80+ weather could wait till late May though.
  6. That's a beast of a storm if it comes in slower/amped. Snowfall in the deep south
  7. Euro hasn't had a good track record this year. I bet amped tracks win out. No blocking either.
  8. One last hurrah on Saturday. Very cold Saturday night with temps in the teens and near 0 wind chills. Impressive for mid March. Funny how areas in the south will end up with more snow than us this month.
  9. That has flash freeze potential
  10. I think if the timing were better we would've seen a widespread 2-4" with 3-6" local spots. Right now it's dependent on elevation & banding. Nam is the best case scenario.
  11. You're not going to be seeing a hot, dry summer anytime soon, if ever with those boiling SSTs offshore. It could be dry for short periods but high dews/storminess will prevail.
  12. Get ready for 80s after the 15th. Hints at 2012 style ridging for the east.
  13. Same thing all winter, lack of blocking. Nonstop +AO. -EPO was able to prevent a disaster of a winter but wasn't strong enough to give us a 13-15 winter either. Too much -PNA as well
  14. The timing stinks with this given marginal air mass. Obvious stat padder, wouldn't be surprised if it's just white rain.
  15. There's 6-7 months of this stuff coming up unless you're only talking about the 60-70F range.
  16. 2008 was still far worse of course when you factor inflation. 4.50 is definitely a trigger point though with over 5 being major start of reductions.
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