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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. He’s there without fangs. Tail between legs, tired and defeated from the long journey from the APATT camp.
  2. Even wolfie can’t stay positive. He’s slowly entering into the what can wrong will go wrong camp.
  3. I can see it being an EOR deal especially sematt.
  4. Yea. Clean phasing for this system but next week we will struggle to do so.
  5. Don’t worry. Onto d7 fantasy blizzards that will find a way to double nipple its way to mediocrity.
  6. Ya’ll seem more confident… I just don’t know.
  7. I don’t see my 4” being doubled by the weekend.
  8. Not that long ago the eps and gefs means also showed sne and cne buried under many feet of snow by the end of this week…
  9. That’s the problem. We can’t phase streams effectively lately. Have zero confidence a tedious setup works out to our delight.
  10. Not happening homie. Euro is a whiff too. Fast flow and compression along the EC.
  11. He tried to make them great but failed as usual.
  12. Fade the gfs. Skynet has been trending se for a couple runs now for the 20th.
  13. Yea I’m still shoveling all the snow it’s giving me this winter.
  14. Yea. I used to ski several times per winter and do at least one long extended trip to Stowe or Jay, if not out west…before I had kids. Now we’re too busy and the cost has gotten out of hand. It’s no longer a top priority, unfortunately.
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