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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. Several outages along the shore. good luck.
  2. -Pounding- 7.5” total. 2” just a shade under an hour. 30.8F Southbury CT USA
  3. CF getting pinned right along the shoreline.
  4. Interesting. The son’s daycare delayed opening until 10am only. Going to work after.
  5. 5.5” and that’s before the main event...which is starting to tickle me now.
  6. https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?rh=2019030402&fh=15&dpdt=&mc=&r=us_ne&p=sn10_acc&m=hrrr
  7. Just go on pivotal that site sucks on mobile and c/p’ing.
  8. hrrr hitting you to sleeping nect weenies hard.
  9. And the best stuff is still to our sw. 10-12 looks doable.
  10. Snow, and lightly coated. Seasonal high...here we come.
  11. Honda Classic rivals US open’s with how tough the course is. Except it’s not ‘fake tough’....like knee high rough or super dry and hard conditions where players can’t get shots to hold. This is by far a shooters course. The best shot maker will prevail.
  12. Ditto on where I’m leaning. Fun. Sticking the neck out here and going against the field.
  13. 12k still crushes sema pretty good as the nw blob goes to town. Big improvement.
  14. Nice map dude. It’s how we would color it with a *** disclaimer - possible 12+ lollies if shit breaks right.
  15. Pros like you and I, and a few others...who have been taught by the best...look at qpf last. We go top to bottom, top to bottom.
  16. hrrr improved, starting to consolidate convection tugging the weenie nw some.
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