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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. Afternoon looks like big rains. Such is life when the dews arrive.
  2. https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/06/18/uk/boaty-mcboatface-first-mission-scli-gbr-scn-intl/index.html?bcmt=1&r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dboaty%2Bmcboatface%26form%3DPRUSMB%26mkt%3Den-us%26httpsmsn%3D1%26refig%3D5e69fee6b6404a65b6b0fd7d1ba20553%26sp%3D1%26qs%3DLS%26pq%3Dboaty%26sc%3D5-5%26cvid%3D5e69fee6b6404a65b6b0fd7d1ba20553
  3. And the model tends to run off the same KFS grid during the summer so maybe a red flag.
  4. It’s a reach into your undies and hold your rooster type weekend.
  5. The Travelers Golf Tournament in Cromwell CT this weekend usually is in the 90s. A couple years ago it was played extreme heat pushing 100. This year nothing close.
  6. Better track record than your boy Cranky?
  7. And gefs say what heat to start July? Eura getting it’s booty slapped.
  8. Yea but you can see the maritime low finally move out temporarily allowing the war to trickle west some.
  9. The higher dews during the week of course bring rains. Congrats humid humpers.
  10. Correct. People are much happier, yard parties everywhere. Just an overall joyful mood across the state.
  11. I’ll back Scooty and Wizzy while some back Cranky.
  12. It won’t, no one said it will. Climo won’t be denied but this idea that last summer is showing it’s ugly ass again ain’t happening either. We know how much you love tropical downpours ruining summer weekends but nothing suggests that will occur.
  13. Yes and it can also be very warm where folks wash their trucks in jean daisy dukes and flip flops in anger. Can’t make everyone happy but everyone enjoys coc. I have not met one person who says a sunny low dew 75F day is uncomfortable or unenjoyable, not one.
  14. Deep down somewhere in the soul there has to be a tiny little light that wants to burst like a supernova and overtake the darkness once and for all. We just need to initiate it somehow, collectively.
  15. Ah ha...so you finally admit it’s oppressive and not enjoyable. Doesn’t it feel great to be honest with yourself?
  16. 0z euro backs off the torch, surprisingly. LR guidance continues to paint the biggest heat to our SW. Your roosters hard at work.
  17. Koepka faded at the end. A tick better and the pressure would of been on Woodland but instead....he was able to play more freely 16-18 after being nerved 11-15 when Koepka was charging. Rose was a let down, terrible iron play. Nevertheless, a good open where the usga was not a factor for once.
  18. Intense....Woodland starting to feel the jitters, the pressure.
  19. Digging deep on the worldwide web. +1F hot tomalleys.
  20. Happy Father’s Day to all the great dads out there.
  21. ATATT pressing, digging deep for backup.
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