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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. We’ll take that. We actually have Aug with the highest departures.
  2. Do you think July will be hot and muggy with morning fog/clouds allowing the sun to poke through for 2 hours midday before the monsoon rains arrive in the afternoon?
  3. Nothing too extreme just summer warmth. Enjoyable.
  4. Yea then we toe the line first half of July, back n forth as we predicted. Typical summer in route.
  5. 80/60 but with a N wind feels nice. I remember these summers growing up. Gradual step up to typical climo expecting July to wax and wane between uncomfortable and comfortable.
  6. Everything ok bud? I know you’re starving for severe but both programs have Chi pushing 90.
  7. Now we know why you pimp dews so much.... You love that back view of sweaty hairy men.
  8. You’d prefer to be in a deep NW flow with the boundary very far SE. If you toe the line, thats a an avenue for moisture transport.
  9. Cranky’s disciples lead down a rabbit hole with a grenade again.
  10. It took you 4 months and 825 posts to be half right. Typical summer weather incoming.
  11. Should of collected unemployment checks and sat in AC instead while rapid posting how epic the day is.
  12. It also monsooned every day so nothing could be done or enjoyed even if one could stand the swamp air.
  13. Cut it short, come to my house I’ll give you a nice tight fade. You’ll never have to bring gel in your fanny pack ever again.
  14. Summers were mostly warm but dry growing up in CNJ. Grass turned brown by mid July. This reminds me of those days whenever the dews are at bay. When they are here to stay, it ruins our way.....of life. Well, theoretically, you could take em all off but it still may not be enough and Tiny at county would be licking his chops.
  15. Innies turn outties ahead of tomorrow’s warmup?
  16. Dews back up and so is the fog, clouds, and rain. Enjoy it folks.
  17. Yea, it’s been a special stretch to close out spring and start summer like those of our youth.
  18. Looks normal next 10 overall, exactly how we draw it up.
  19. Another great day chalked to low dews. Now the clouds roll in as they begin to creep upwards.
  20. Nah. I’ll take my chances. Much better than dewy damp days with clouds, fogs, and continuous rains/storms.
  21. I expect better from you my good sir.
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