Anyone who gives up their professional career to fight for justice or whatever they want to stand for is ok my book.... regardless if I agree with him or her. People tend to be short sighted and either agree/like or disagree/dislike someone because it doesn’t fit their beliefs. It’s why we are divided more than ever. Sad.
We have bears all the time. There was a mom with 3 cubs eating a neighbors bird seeds a few months ago. Another family cited near the Hoose on the other side of town. They venture down the river along the Litchfield Hills often. Great animals. Would love to own one. That and a tiger.
I’m not sure why anyone responds to that attention seeking clown.
Glad the chronic is helping you with your back. Glad it’s getting more attention in the mainstream. Hopefully within the next 10 years we can legalize it on a federal level, doubtful...but more states will come on board to push it at the very least.
Most reasonable minded folks will agree there’s no justification to legally drink alcohol but not buy weed legally.
Typical summer, nothing extreme, that ends AN because of higher mins mixed in with some AN usual. August will get hot though but that’s just weenie talk, no science.