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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. Well then, all is right with the world.
  2. Apparently if you cut the soda and speed walk 2 miles at 5am you become an instant health guru ...and thus, can bang whenever you deem please.
  3. Missed those days of wsne crush jobs. They don’t come around as often anymore.
  4. I would like to keep it here too but personal preferences aside, above normal gon’ happen mid summer as you know. Yes, I consider this area coastal even though I’m at 600’.
  5. You run warmer than here in summer and colder in winter.
  6. Maxed out at 84 today, love it. Few ticks warmer tomorrow with a slight bump in dews, still should be a good one....dry.
  7. It’s become a more popular way of living when the Donald arrived on the scene.
  8. 7 days a week 365 days a year never ending work?
  9. Why haven’t you run at 2pm in mid summer, ever, and ‘gone after it’?
  10. I’d like to see those that claim they do, to show a pic or video of a good time (outside of beach or pool). I’d like to see smiles as they cut wood or mix cement in 90/75.
  11. no pic of DITs davis today, funny clown.
  12. 81/56, wow. Went to town and saw people lunching outside, runners running, dogs walking, landscapers landscaping...in the middle of a mid summer day no less. I even overheard the supply house guy tell his customer how great low humidity weather is for business as people are more active around their homes. Another CoC summer day, check.
  13. Don’t know why anyone would follow him and link his tweets but people do strange things in a strange world.
  14. Hot and dry, just how we draw it up for a good ole fashioned summer.
  15. Have it give it a day or so. euro and gfs far apart with strength/organization.
  16. That’s the big caveat. I love heat if we stay dry. A rogue storm here or there, fine.
  17. It’s been a brutal four months. If he wants to believe the sun is exploding and falling into the CTRV next week, as long as he his happy and gets to post ‘torch’......let him be.
  18. Yes, it was exhausting listening to the failed preaches since March. Finally summer does what summer does and somehow that’s an omen to your words. We are blessed.
  19. That can happen regardless of the brand, some odd breakdown, but the bad customer service is no excuse. They supposedly have great support but I get it, I wouldn’t care how many stars a company has either if they boned me.
  20. Poor Houston. You deal with all the heat and humidity then go through a historic flood...now this looks alarming.
  21. Nice pics. I got out there today on my day off. What a treat to be in mid summer and carry my bag for 18.
  22. Whirlpool and LG have been top 2 for several years running on various publications like consumer reports and gadget review. There’s a steep drop off after them so there’s really nothing else folks should consider unless price and availability are factors.
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